Chapter 2- System

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Previously on Spirit Keeper

???? P.O.V
Riku you shouldn't have joined the School..... I mumbled to myself. Now the battle has started, i smiled.
Sogo P.O.V
Umm sogo do you think riku will be fine? Mitsuki asked. Yup, i said. Well to be honest i not sure really sure my self, since we never used this aura before, i thought. Well let begin the test, i said.
Riku P.O.V
.......I feel like i heard of spirit keeper before now that i mention it......But where.....
Mitsuki P.O.V
Hey sogo, are you sure this thing work? I asked him. Of course! He reply. Anyway where is Nagi? I ask once more. He said he found a spirit keeper, so i guess he coming. Oh i see.
Few minutes later
NoOne P.O.V
Sogo: Ah! I done! *grabbed paper form that thing*
Iori and Mitsuki: So? What does it said?
Sogo: ..............
Mitsuki: Spill it!!!
Sogo: .... H-he....
Mitsuki: ugh give me it *take paper out of sogo hand*
Mitsuki: let see..... *read what it said*
Mitsuki: .........
Iori: ...not you to nii-san.....
Iori: let me see what it said *grab the paper and read it*
Iori: .........
Nagi: Hello everyone~
Iori+Mitsuki+sogo: .......
Sogo: i going to let riku-kun out
Nagi: i have bough us a new member
Mitsuki: Eh? Really!
Nagi: yes~
Tamaki: huh?
Nagi: hm?
Mitsuki: N-never mind
Riku P.O.V
I was finally let out of that room or thing..... I still don't know what that thing was. Anyway mitsuki said that he want to us something, I thought i was the only new members, guess not. I sat down and listen to what Mistuki want to said.
NoOne P.O.V
Mitsuki: Okey! Listen up! We are the school spirit keeper team, and you guy probably don't know about the familiar system.
Riku: System?
Mitsuki: yes, so let me explain it. So to start of with, familiar are divided into 5 group, The group are label low to high rank. The group are..... The founder, The Seeker, The timer, The Creation, and The Ruler. The founder group is where familiar locate other familiar or spirit keeper, like mine familiar "Hikaru". Next we have the Seeker group, which technically can seek the future or past. Then we have The Time Group, These familiar have the power to stop time for a few minute or hour. Their is also the Creation group, Which you can tell by the name, it can creation or built stuff like Sogo familiar "Kaito". Last we hVe the Ruler group, It is rare because it has the power to control anything in it way, We have seen one but it was one of our enemy Familiar. That basically the familiar system.
Riku: I think I get it......
Tamaki: ?..... I don't get it
Riku: ahah
Sogo: Tamaki-kun, It basically like umm a Ranking system by what group your familiar is in
Tamaki: ... Eh? Then what is my familiar rank?
Sogo: we will see soon, don't worry
Few Minutes later
Yamato: yo
Mistuki: hey
Iori: This is Yamato Nikaido, he the group leader
Riku: it nice to meet you yamato-san
Tamaki: yeah what Rikkun said
Yamato: So you much be the new member huh?
Nito: Oh so there is some new members! I Nito, Yamato familiar.
Yamato: Anyway, you manage to find 2 this year
Riku: hehe i think i should go, bye everyone
Sogo: bye Riku-kun
Mitsuki: bye Riku
Iori: Bye Nasase-san
Tamaki: bye Rikkun
Yamato + Nito: bye
( Ok they spent the whole entire school time to do this )
As Riku was walking down the hallway, he found the Library and decide to check it out. As riku was in the library, he found a book on spirit keeper history. Riku decide to get it so he can learn more about What he is.
Riku: this seem really interesting *turn the next page*
Riku: T-Their w-was a war b-because of spirit keeper?!?!
Riku eye was wide when he saw the title.
Riku: ....... Not all spirit keeper have familiar or power......, they can just have one..... I don't get it... Mitsuki has power and a familiar......
In Riku Mind: D-does that mean....... I don't have a familiar......? I think i should get going.
As Riku went out of the library, he took the book with him. He start to head home since it was getting late and he don't want to have a attack.
10-15 minutes later
Riku was finally home, he drop his thing and went to his room. But little did he know someone or something was watching him.
So now you know who Nito is, you probably guess who the other are...... 
( when i mean other i mean Haruka, Haruki, Nanami, and Kai )

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