Chapter 3- our ability

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Previously on spirit keeper
As Riku went out of the library, he took the book with him. He start to head home since it was getting late and he don't want to have a attack.
10-15 minutes later
Riku was finally home, he drop his thing and went to his room. But little did he know someone or something was watching him.
NoOne P.O.V
Riku was getting dinner and he feel like he been watch. After Riku finished his dinner, he went to bed. Inside Riku dream, he saw something....
Riku: W-who are you?
??????: oh.... I see... You don't remember me..... I feel hurt right now Ri-Chan
Riku: H-How do you know who i am?
??????: Ri-Chan please remember
Riku: W-what do you mean...?
??????: Ri-Chan, i can't tell you anything..... You have to remember who i am......
Riku: AHHH!!! Huh? I guess it was just a dream.... But it felt real.....
As Riku was getting ready for school, he thought about the dream he has. Riku has no memories what happen in the past, the only thing he know is His brother leaving him. Before Riku brother left he said something to riku, but he can't remember what he said.

10 minutes later
???????: Hey Riku
Riku: Ah-oh hey mitsuki, don't scare me like that!
Mitsuki: hehe sorry
Iori: morning Nasase-san
Riku: ahh morning!
While they were waiting for Yamato, Sogo, Nagi, and tamaki. They dont know someone was there with them, until.....
Hikaru: Mitsuki, something is here
Riku: something?
Mitsuki: Someth- wait.... What is it?
Hikaru: A-A-A- Ruler Rank familiar....
Mitsuki: !!!!!
Iori: Do you think it his?
Mitsuki: Yeah it might.....
????: what is it Haruka?
Haruka: Tenn, you have been given a mission
Tenn: hm? What is it?
Haruka: here you go *hand over the paper*
Tenn: i see.....
Haruka: i must go now
Haruka: *sigh* i feel like haruki is going to do something stupid
Few hour ago
Haruka: Hey haruki, has he remember yet?
Haruki: N-No, i hurt
Tear were falling down haruki face while haruka trying to clam him down
Haruka: okey, he will eventually remember
Haruki: i-i just hope so....
Haruka: but once he remember who you are, we can't meet up like this no more.....
Haruki: i know it mean we are enemy......
Haruka: yeah.... I just hope tenn doesn't find out about this
Haruki: hehhe yeah, you will be in big trouble.... wait! I have a idea to make Riku remember! See you later haruka!
Haruka: ......see you.... And Don't forces him!!!
Present (Back with riku, mitsuki, hikharu, and iori)
Riku: ?? What is going on?
Mitsuki: Riku, we think our ememy might attack us...
Riku: Eh?!?!! But it only the first week of school!
Iori: we know, they attack whenever they like
Mitsuki: you know that will get you caught one day....
??????: !!!!! Crap! I been caught!
In riku mind: wait.... Isn't that the thing that was in my dream..... Wait! Was it actually not a dream?!?!!
Mitsuki: Who are you!!!!
Hikaru: you better tell us!
??????: sorry I can't said my name or tell you anything
Iori: why not?
??????: sorry, like i said... I cant tell you anything
Hikaru: Com'n!
??????: ...*sigh*....
The thing left them clueless as Riku is thinking what the thing meant in his dream....
Yamato: Sorry we're late
Sogo: y-yeah
Nagi: yes! Sorry
Tamaki: i was buying king pudding!
Iori: just because the principle said we don't have to come to class this week, doesn't mean you have to be late
Mitsuki: anyway, let head to school, we probably going to be late
When the group of teen walked to school. The principal call them to his office. He told that 'their enemy' has Attacked the school. They soon left the office to get really for the fight.

Mitsuki: Finally! some action!
Hikaru: i know right!
Iori: two.... 💢
Yamato: Anyway, let split into team
Riku: sound good to me
Nito: yeah me to
Yamato: ok so here are the team. Team 1: Sogo and Tamaki. Team 2: nito, mitsuki, and Nagi. Team 3: Riku, kaito, and iori. Me and hikaru will be in a office.
Mitsuki: if kaito will actually join the fight-oh yeah, i forgot to tell you guy about our power!
Iori: nii-san you just remember that?
Mitsuki: yamato and sogo basically don't have a ability but they do has a familiar. Nagi ability is basically him reading minds. Iori is summoning shadow to help him. My ability let me trun into any animal. Tamaki your ability is similar to iori but instead of shadow... It weapons. Riku has umm how do I explain this...... Riku you have umm....ummmm two ability, it fire and angels.

Yup that all for this chapter cuz i ran out pf idea, i was planing on making this chapter about TRIGGER but i got nothing ;-;
Welp i'm go do sneak peek for chapter 4

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