Kiss // Edited

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Chapter Six - Kiss (write a chapter in which a character skips class to do something they consider more productive)

The weeks flew by and, before any of us knew it, there were just two weeks left before our OWLs. The Professors were all making a massive fuss, reminding us to do this and to revise that because "It will appear in the exam!".

Lily and I, as well as the boys, spent a vigorous amount of time studying for the upcoming exams. Our daily cycle consisted of sleeping, breakfast, lessons, lunch, more lessons, dinner, studying and then repeat.

"What do you plan on doing, anyway?" Sirius asked me.

We were all sitting in the courtyard during a free double period we had, books astray on the ground as we poured over them and absorbed as much information as our not-so spongy brain could hold. I was attempting to finish my Divination homework with James, while Sirius and Remus scribbled away for Arithmancy.

"Probably something like a Curse-Breaker," I mused, imagining travelling around the world, seeing the sights and facing the dangers.

"Isn't that extremely dangerous?" Remus asked, looking up from his Arithmancy book.

"That's part of the charm," I replied.

"Spend less time dreaming and more studying and maybe you'll achieve enough OWLs and NEWTs to do so," Lily said, helping Peter with his Astronomy.

"Hey, I'll have you know I can do anything if I put my mind to it; I can't help it if I find sitting around, writing things that I won't need to know, completely and utterly pointless. Especially this," I exclaimed, chucking my Divination chart on the floor.

"You're going to be crushed to death by a Hippogriff...thrice in a week?" James asked, an amused look on his face.

"I ran out of death prophecies," I cried, glancing at his chart. "Like you can talk anyways - you've put down that you're getting married to Lily once each week."

Lily stormed over and tore it from his hand, ripping it apart.

"Hey! That was half an hour's worth of work!" he groaned.

"Perhaps you should make up things that are more realistic," she drawled, returning to Peter's side.

We laughed as James grumbled, saying it would come true one day before we carried on working.

"I am not looking forward to Potions on Thursday," I complained, remembering that Slughorn has specifically reminded us to bring our copies of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi since we would be having a review lesson about the properties of Moonstone and varieties of Venom Antidotes.

"Neither am I," Sirius agreed. We caught each other's eyes and a slow grin crept upon our faces. "Are you thinking of what I'm thinking?"

"I think I might be," I replied.

"I hope I'm not thinking what the two of you are thinking, because then I'd have to stop you from thinking of it," Remus interjected.

"Oh, c'mon, Remus. It's not like we'd miss out on much," I begged. "And it's not like we're skipping for fun; we're going to go revise, just in a more enjoyable way."

"Enjoyable, eh? I like the sound of that," Sirius said, a cocky look on his face.

"Not helping the situation," I hissed, chucking a quill at him.

Remus paused before he nodded. "I guess I can let you off, just this once...but," he continued as I smiled with glee, "you have to promise that you'll actually do some studying."

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