Chapter 3-A little unexpected suprise

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5 months later( sry I didn't have any ideas but you will like this chapter)

Melodias P.O.V

I woke up and saw Elizabeth sleeping next to me so I pulled her closer.

"Good morning" she said sleepily.

"Good morning beautiful" I responded quietly.

Than the door burst open and hope and Harley came flying in.
( just to tel you know hope has more demon traits and Harley has more goddess traits but there both growing way to fast. There at the age of three already)

"Urge" they jumped on us.

"Good morning my precious little angels" Elizabeth said well tickling them, so I joined in. They were laughing. We were happy.

"Hey can you go downstairs and tell uncle nan to make breakfast plz" she said sweetly.

"Okay mommy" they both flew out of the room. Elizabeth looked at me and kissed my cheek.

"Hey I deserve more than that's." i pouted with a sad look on my face.

"Okay" she said in a devilish way, than covered my eyes and leaned in slowly, then she kissed my nose and poked it.

"Boop" she giggled and got up and got dressed in blue shorts and a pink shirt. "Tease" said under my breath.

"I'm going to get you back for that, just you wait" I smirked.

"Yah okay" and she went downstairs.

So I got up and got dressed then grabbed a small burgundy box and opened it. "Today's the day" I mumbled. There was a small ring in the box, then I went downstairs.

I saw Diane and Elizabeth talking while the kids were laying on kings chasitifol, which was in the shape of a pillow.

"I can't believe there 3 already, time is just flying by" diane said cheerfully.

"I know and there already kinda powerful" Elizabeth said happily. "Might even be more powerful than me, cause I'm so weak and helpless" she mutters. Is something wrong I'll ask her about it later.

She's looks so beautiful it's going to kill me.

I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder and bent down on one knee. She turned around and gasps, she is blushing like crazy.

"Elizabeth Liones will you marry me?" I asked, her face went 100x brighter and I waited for her to say something. I love her so much,she's my everything.

"Of c-course" and I put the ring on her finger and hugged her, the. I kissed her, she kissed back right away, then I stuck my tongue into her mouth, and touched her tongue then pulled away cause we needed air. We were breathing heavily. I leaned in.

" I told you I was going to get you back and there's still more to come" i whispered into her ear with a cheeky smile, she went so red and sat down and pulled her legs to her chest and put her head down.

"Elaine  don't read her mind" I said sternly.

"Awwww,okay" she gave up.

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