Unknown Voice

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"Come on, Kaito!" Gakupo said smiling. "I have the lyrics for this song, finally. It might be your last, but the fans will love it."

"Yeah, I'm sure they'd love if I was gone," Kaito joked following Gakupo to the basement. "So...What were you and Luka talking about earlier?"

Gakupo blushed at this. "I told you, it was nothing!" he protested.

Kaito put his hands on his hips. "You can't fool me Gakupo. Tell me what happened."

"...Luka said she liked me. Like, she wanted to date me," Gakupo admitted. "I rejected her because...well...I already like someone."

Kaito smiled. "Who do you like?" he asked, dropping his hands to his sides. "I promise I won't tell anyone."

Gakupo blushed more. "I-it...I can't tell..."

"Why not?" Kaito responded. "You trust me, right?"

"I do but...I can't tell you because....I-IT'S YOU, KAITO!"  He cried out the last few words, covering his face with his hands. "S-see, this is why I couldn't tell you..."

Kaito blushed and gave the other boy a small smile, stepping close to him and taking his hands off his face. "I...I li-like you too, Gakupo..." he whispered.

Gakupo blushed a darker shade of red, pulling Kaito close to him and gently kissing the bluenette. "I love you..."

From halfway down the stairs, two brown eyes watched them. "They were made for each other," Meiko whispered softly. "How cute." She turned, smiling, and crept quietly up the stairs, running straight into Luka.

"Meiko...What's cute?" she asked.

"Oh...Just, um...a couple," Meiko responded. Luka walked past and slammed her fist on the table.

"Just about an hour after I told him...now he goes and does that?! Idiot Kaito...." she sighed. "I'm gonna go to Gumi's house." Without another word, she put on a jacket and left.

".....Um....Okay..." Meiko said, unsure what all that was about. She shrugged it off and went to her room, flopping onto her bed and becoming silent as she began to hear notes of music from downstairs.

Gakupo and Kaito singing together? It was the most beautiful song she had heard from two boys. Their voices fit perfectly together.

"Yes, they were made for each other...That's for sure." The brunette smiled and sat up, getting on her phone to check her social media.


"Gakupo...What the heck are you doing?" Kaito asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm gonna do something childish with you~" Gakupo responded. "There!" He held up the bowl of chocolate and vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup, crushed Oreos, and gummy worms.

"You're gonna make me eat that?!"

"What do you think I'm gonna do?" Gakupo laughed. "Get a spoon! We're sharing this."

The bluenette grinned and got a spoon, then grabbed a big bite of the ice cream and ate it. "Hey! Bad Kaito!" Gakupo said, pretending to karate chop the other and chuckling. The two boys plopped down on the couch right next to each other, putting the bowl of ice cream between them and ate it quickly, licking the extra chocolate syrup off the spoons.

"Thanks for giving me a fun day, Gakupo," Kaito said.

"Oh, tomorrow will be even more fun. You'll see. And Meiko is coming with us!"

Erasing the Failure (Gakukai)Where stories live. Discover now