In Loving Memory Of...

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November 5th, 20XX
Kaito looked at Gakupo before stepping onstage. It was another concert. A special one.
He stepped up to the microphone and took a deep breath, then cleared his throat.
"Today we are here in memory of Meiko, who died almost a year ago in this same concert hall."
There were some murmurs of pity from the audience.
"Today, we will remember her and keep her soul alive. Each one of the Vocaloids here tonight will sing one of Meiko's songs in memory of her, as today is her birthday." He gave the audience a smile and stepped back, the music started, and he began to sing.
Each of the Vocaloids willing to participate had been given one of Meiko's songs to sing. Kaito had been given their song 'Tsugai Kogarashi', which he sang with Gakupo. Next, Luka covered 'Kowase Kowase', Miku covered 'Stay With Me', Rin covered 'Change Me', Len covered 'After Burner', and Gumi covered 'Crimson'. The next group soon stepped onstage- Miki covered 'Falling', IA did a cover of 'COLOR', Lily covered 'Evil Food Eater Conchita', Yuzuki Yukari covered 'Escape of Salmhofer the Witch', and Otomachi Una covered 'A Hero's Armor is Always Crimson'. The concert ended with Daina covering 'Witness'.
Gakupo stepped out onto the stage with Kaito, going in front of the other Vocaloids. They all bowed to the audience, and then the curtains closed.
Everyone went their seperate ways, and Kaito joined hands with Gakupo as the two of them walked away from the venue, down the block and up a hill to the cemetery. After walking down a path a little ways, they stopped at a small gravestone with roses surrounding it. On the gravestone were several words, written clearly.
'In Loving Memory of Meiko
Kaito placed a hand on the stone, and Gakupo did the same. They stayed there in silence for a moment, then took their hands away and began to walk away from the cemetery. They walked a couple more blocks until they were downtown.
The sun was beginning to set by now, and the two of them went home together.
She would always be remembered in their hearts.

Sorry this chapter was so short! I didn't really know what to put for it. Brace yourselves, everyone- the next chapter will be the last!!!!

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