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"Nnnn...." Kaito murmured, stretching as he woke up. "What time is it...?" He sat up and looked at his alarm clock, which read '5:15 AM'. He yawned and got out of bed, heading to the kitchen for a drink of water. As he took a glass from the cabinet, the entire world went dark and he felt something wet cover his mouth. "Who's there?" he started to say, but was cut off by the knockout effect of the chloroform-soaked cloth. The glass fell to the floor, shattering immediately as Satoshi dragged Kaito off.

"What happened?" Meiko asked, stepping into the kitchen. She saw the broken glass on the floor. "Who's there?"

"Hm? What's going- oh...someone broke a glass..." Gakupo said, coming up behind her. "It's early, you should go back to bed Meiko."

"Someone was here..." she murmured to herself. "Oh well, maybe it was just Gakupo." She turned and left the kitchen, going back to bed. Gakupo, meanwhile, stayed behind and picked up the broken pieces of glass.

"Kaito...? Are you here?" the samurai asked. When he got no response, he shook his head and went into the basement to practice with his katana.


Satoshi dragged Kaito through the office, not caring what happened to him. He reached a room where the floor was lowered a considerable amount, then flung Kaito into it. "Prepare for uninstallment," he hissed. He typed in a code on a keypad that was set in the wall, and a series of buttons popped up. "We'll wait until you wake up..." Satoshi sighed, kicking Kaito hard in the ribs and removing the cloth from his mouth. "Open your goddamn eyes!" He kicked him again, then stepped on his mouth. "Fine then! Asshole!"

"I didn't do anything to you," Kaito said softly. "All I did was make a poor decision, and I hurt myself. But I can sing now. So please...Give me another chance."

"That won't do." Satoshi hissed. "You've already ruined your reputation. Nobody wants to hear your voice anymore." He grinned and punched Kaito in the jaw. "You're a failure, Kaito."

"I'm trying my hardest! Haven't you heard of a goddamn second chance?!" Kaito fired back, hitting Satoshi in the side of the head. "You're being a fucking asshole!"

"You're wrong Kaito, you will never amount to anything. No wonder your parents hate you. No wonder Meiko used to hurt you so much." He grinned and pushed Kaito against the wall, holding his wrists so he couldn't fight back and then slamming his head against the drywall, knocking him out. "That's a good failure." Walking back to the panel, he pressed a few buttons opening a hole in the wall and sending water shooting from a pipe. "I'll let you drown here and then Gakupo can fish your dead body out tomorrow!" He laughed as the water rapidly spread over the floor, then fled the room.


"Meiko, where's Kaito?" Gakupo asked, slightly concerned. The bluenette had been missing the entire day so far.

"I don't know, is he still sleeping?" Meiko peeked her head into Kaito's room, not seeing anything. At that moment Gakupo gasped sharply.

"It's the third day. That means...That means..." His eyes widened. "The uninstallment...The fucking uninstallment..."

"We aren't letting that happen, Gakupo! Kaito is going to be a Vocaloid as long as possible!!!" Meiko yelled. "We're going to find him!" She grabbed his hand and started to run. "Check Satoshi's office building first!" The two of them went inside to see the master sitting at his desk, grinning wildly as he scribbled on some paper.

"What did you do to Kaito?!" Gakupo yelled, grabbing him by the hair. "Answer me! Meiko, go find Kaito!" The brunette nodded and ran off, trying to find her friend.

"I-I didn't do anything!" Satoshi hissed. "He was supposed to be uninstalled anyway!"

"Not anymore!" Gakupo unsheathed his katana and held it to Satoshi's throat. "Undo the uninstallment, or you won't live to see tomorrow!!"

"Alright, alright! I-I'll do it..." Satoshi sighed, defeated.


Meiko kept running through the halls, until she heard the sound of rushing water from behind a door. "Hello?!" She asked, slamming the door open-

-and nearly fell into the water. Raising her head up, she spotted Kaito floating across the room, and dived in without thinking. "Kaito!!" she cried, swimming as fast as she could until she reached him. His face was pale, and his clothes were soaked. She grabbed his arm and, not knowing what else to do, slung it over her shoulder and started to drag his limp body out.

"Meiko!" Gakupo said, nearly running straight into her. "Oh...God, Kaito...What happened?" He took the bluenette into his arms, picking him up so he could carry him. "Oh well...I got him to stop the uninstallment, and knocked him out. He won't be doing anything Vocaloid-related for a while, that's for sure." The three left the building, then went quickly back to their house.

"He'll be okay...After a while, at least, but the water was pretty damn cold..." Meiko grumbled.

"You go take a shower and change into dry clothes, Mei. I'll take care of our little blueberry," Gakupo replied and wrapped Kaito in a towel.

"Alright," she sighed. "Jeez..."

Erasing the Failure (Gakukai)Where stories live. Discover now