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It hasn't been long since the small incident at the park, it was the next week and Jimin sat in his room on his bed. He wished he could go back, but he knew he wouldn't be back there for about another month- and that's even if his mother will let them back there.

"Jimin," His mother called to him from the door of his bedroom, Jimin looked at her through his snow-white fringe, he would be lying if he said he didn't feel extremely guilty for what he had done, he hasn't been able to look his mother in the eyes since.

"Yes?" His mother walked closer to the bed and sat on the edge, "Jimin... I'm not angry with you... I'm just disappointed, I've told you and your brother not to go anywhere near that forest. Yet, you did anyway." He knew it was coming, the ol' I'm not mad, just disappointed thing parents do.

"I know, but you don't understand..." 

"What don't I understand, Jimin? What would your father think? You're lucky I didn't tell him about it" At that moment, Jimin understood his mother. She was afraid, their father wasn't an abuser of any kind, he was a loving and caring father and husband, but he was outdated.

He was always hard on the boys, mostly Jimin since he was more fragile and delicate than his brother. Jimin could only imagine the work he could've gotten if his father knew.

"I'm sorry... But I mean what I said, mom... You don't know what it's like to be me or Seokie..." He let out a small sigh, he knew his situation could be way worse, but it didn't stop him from feeling completely useless.

"You're right... But that's no excuse, rules are rules, Jimin." She shook her head and stood up from the bed, turning to look at her son's face- or, his hair. "You can't expect everyone to give you a pass just because you don't have powers, Jimin... I love you, but the universe isn't easy..." She leaned in to press a kiss to his temple before walking out of the door and leaving Jimin alone to his thoughts.

The boy sighed and flopped onto his back, staring up at the ceiling with his cheeks puffed out. He didn't want to believe his mom, but he knew she was right, the universe doesn't care about him, he's not special in any way. 

. . .

Jimin sat in his classroom, trying to remember the flowers he had saw at the park, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't. 'It was white... or was it yellow? No, it was blue!' he groaned to himself at his awful memory.

"Jimin? Is something wrong?"  His teacher asked him, he shook his head and mumbled a small apology before continuing his actual school work.

"Attention class, today we're going to be going to The Virgo Middle School," The teacher spoke up again, causing all of the students to whisper and mumble to each other. The Virgo Middle School was the highest-ranked middle school in all of Kepler, probably in the whole galaxy. Though, all of the Virgo schools were the best.

Jimin knew somewhat about how Kepler worked, he wasn't that keen on learning about the different territories and regions, he just knew there were twelve and that Virgo was the king of them all. He also knew that his school and region, Aquarius, wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either. It was in sixth place, not in last like the Cancer region.

Though he knew the basics, he didn't understand what was so special about the Virgo District, it was just a school, right?

"I heard only the top two percent make it in!" One of the students whispered to another, to which a different one chimed in. "My uncle worked there, he said it was only one percent!" All of the kids let out a gasp, including Jimin. 

The young boy swallowed thickly before shyly squeezing himself into the conversation, "I-Is it that l-low...?" he asked timidly, the others turned to him before nodding their heads. "The Virgo Academies are for the smartest kids only, not just the schools, but The Virgo District itself is only for really successful and the best of the best," He said in a serious tone, Jimin gulped at the thought of the class going there, he could feel his anxiety and embarrassment grow. 

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