Chapter Eight

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Once back outside, Juice gave Ana a nice soft kiss on the lips, lit up a cigarette and walked into the garage where all the guys started clapping him on the shoulder giving him 'atta boys' and telling him 'thanks'. Ana rolled her eyes at the guys as she walked back into the office.

It wasn't two minutes later that Jax walked into the office with a huge grin on his face.

"Feelin' better, Lil Sis?"

Ana's face immediately got red. She avoided Jax's eyes as she filed more papers. "I don't know what you are talking about. We just talked."

"Sure you did," Jax started to laugh. "Is that why you have the 'just fucked hair' and your shirt is on inside out?"

Ana immediately glanced down at her shirt. It wasn't inside out. God damn Jax! He tricked her and she fell for it.

"We just talked, Jax! Nothing else." Ana was getting irritated with her brothers antics.

"Well, he is out there telling everyone how he fucked you doggy style while you screamed, 'Don't stop, Juan Carlos! Don't stop!'" Jax said in a mimicking tone and grinned his famous grin.

"What!?" Ana yelled and jumped out of the chair. Jax had to hold her back so she wouldn't stomp out in the garage and kick Juice's ass.

"I'm kidding. He didn't say anything. But you can tell he just fucked you by the shit eating grin on his face," Jax explained and laughed at her.

Ana just glared up at him as she sat back down.

"Doggy style, huh? You are such a whore!" Jax laughed as he walked back into the garage.

"Said Charming's infamous man whore!" Ana spat back. God damn she hated her brother sometimes. Ana placed her head on the desk and took some deep breathes again, trying to calm her nerves and make the dizziness and nausea go away. Fighting with Jax got her all worked up again. She hoped that her hormones would quit making her feel bipolar. She was so tired of the up and down and she was sure everyone else was too.

Ana looked up just in time to see a grey SUV pull into the lot.

"Speaking of whores..." she said to her self as she watched her sister-in-law, Wendy, get out of the car and stroll over to the garage.

Ana was curious as to what she was doing here. So she made her way to the garage door and opened it just in time to see Wendy get Jax's attention and Jax walking over to her. There was too much noise in the garage and Ana was a bit too far away to make out the conversation. Damn. She really wanted to know what was going on.

Sure, Wendy was currently married to Jax, but that was fading fast. Apparently they filed for divorce, but Jax was kinda quite about it and Ana never pushed to know what was going on. But, whatever was being said, Jax was upset about it.

"What's she doing here?" Juice asked, coming up to Ana and glancing over his shoulder.

"I don't know," Ana replied, still looking at Jax and Wendy. "But whatever she has to say, he's pissed about it."

"Huh," Juice grunted and then looked at Ana. "What do you want for lunch?"

"Uh," she looked into Juice's brown eyes and absent mindedly put her hand over her stomach. "I'm not really hungry, babe."

"Well, you gotta eat," Juice took a step toward her, "So what do you want?"

"Juice," Ana sighed, "Really. I don't feel like eating. I'm not feeling that good. Just the thought of food... ugh..."

Ana watched as Jax huffed away toward the picnic tables and Wendy got back in her car and drove off.

"Shouldn't you be over the morning sickness shit?" Juice asked, getting her attention again.

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