The Valentine's Dance Part 1

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Marinette walked toward the school in the cold beginning- of- February air, trudging with each step she took. It was only a minute's walk, but to tired Marinette it looked like it was a mile long and it didn't help that she had to avoid a stepping into the early morning slush that had gathered up over night. She sighed.

Monday. She hated Mondays.

Who didn't? Mondays were not only a signal that 'Hey, you have the rest of this week full of school. Lucky you!', it also meant you had to get homework together the night before. And as her duties as Ladybug, she had come home extra late after convincing her parents that she was tired and was going to bed. She only hoped she hadn't left any homework at home.

Alya was waiting at the door, her eyes wide. Marinette couldn't see how she could open her eyes that wide this early. "I still don't see why you need me here so early," Marinette complained.

Alya took a deep breath. "Ms. Bustier is putting us in charge of the Valentine's Day dance!" she squealed.

Marinette's eyes popped open, almost literally. "What!?" she exclaimed. "Why?"

Alya shrugged. "Dunno." She looked at her phone. "Anyway, we have two weeks to set up, so we're gonna need—."

"When did she tell you this?" Marinette questioned.

"Yesterday, after you left... conspicuously early," she said, raising her eyebrows as she exaggerated the word 'conspicuously'.

Marinette gulped. She had had to fight off yet another akuma. "I have to help my parents in the bakery," was her valid excuse as she had run out of the room. "I told you yesterday I had to help Mom and Dad in the bakery. Since Valentines day is so near, we already have so many orders coming in."

"Mm-hmm," Alya said, tight lipped. She looked thoughtful.

"Anyway," Marinette said, trying to change the subject. "we should get inside. It's pretty cold this morning."

"Yeah, let's go." Alya walked inside, stomping the slush from her shoes. Marinette followed her to the schoolroom. She spotted a few other students sitting in their seats: Nathaniel, Mylene, Sabrina, Rose and Nino.

Just after Alya and Marinette passed through the door and closed it, it flew open again and Adrien ran into the room. He stopped.

"Oh, so I'm not late," he sighed in relief. His expression changed from relaxed to annoyed and muttered something incomprehensible. Marinette thought she heard something like a mixture of plastic and bag, but she couldn't be sure.

She took her seat next to Alya. The last of the students came in and sat down as Ms. Bustier walked into the room. "Good morning, class."

"Good morning, Ms. Bustier," The class said back to her. She then launched into a couple of announcements and then began to teach the days lesson. After the lesson was done, she dismissed her students.

"Oh, one more thing," she said, grabbing everyone's attention as only Ms. Bustier could do. "The Valentine's Day dance will be on February 14th, at 6:00. Alya and Marinette will be hosting it and setting it up."

All eyes turned to Alya and Marinette. Marinette ducked her head and Alya did the exact opposite. She raised her head and beamed.

Then Ms. Bustier dismissed the class.

The next day, while Alya and Marinette were setting up plans for decorations, Adrien was being bombarded by several girls, including Lila and Chloe, all of whom were asking about being his date to the dance.

"Adrien, please, please, pleeeeaasse be my date to the dance?" one girl simpered.

"Adrikins, you know you want to go with me!" Chloe was still working on her non-annoyingness.

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