The Valentine's Dance Part 5

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Meanwhile, Ladybug and Chat Noir, were heading in the same direction.

"Come on, Chat, were almost there." Ladybug swung her yo-yo over and over.

"Right behind you, My lady," Chat Noir replied.

Finally, they made it t the Tower. But they couldn't find the victim anywhere. There was no one there. The looked around cautiously.

Something cackled behind them. They spun around, and again were met by nothing.

"Up here," a voice called out.

The looked up. There, on one of the lower beams of the Eiffel Tower, stood the akumatized victim.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, I—" she started.

Chat Noir interrupted her. "Yeah, yeah, we know. You want our Miraculous." He yawned. "Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but we're not giving them up."

"My, what a rude Cat," she exclaimed. "I was just going to introduce myself as the Illusionist, but you don't deserve to know." She giggled. "Oops, silly me! I just told you."

"What do you want, Illusionist?" Ladybug demanded.

"Well, as this rude Cat already said, I want your Miraculous," she said. "And I will get them."

"We'll see about that!" Chat yelled. He charged forward.

Illusionist simply smiled and waved her stick, which looked like a magician's wand. 'The akuma must be in there,' Ladybug thought.

As Illusionist waved the wand, the figure of a wolf suddenly took shape. It growled at Chat Noir. He gulped. "You're kidding," he muttered. The wolf started chasing around and around the Tower, growling and snapping.

Illusionist waved her wand again. Now, a spider appeared, white with red eyes. Ladybug's eyes went wide. "Oh, no," she said. "Lucky Charm!" she yelled. Her lucky charm appeared in the air. She stretched her hand out to it, but Illusionist dove forward and snatched it out of the air.

Ladybug focused her attention back on the spider She did her best, but the spider soon had her pinned to the ground with its eight legs. She looked over to Chat Noir. He was backed p against the Tower, and the wolf was drawing toward him menacingly.

Suddenly, something whizzed through the air and the spider was knocked off Ladybug. She immediately got to her feet, just in time to see the spider disappear. In its place was a boomerang. She glanced over at Chat Noir. He was still standing against the Tower, but the wolf was now sitting down. A girl of about fourteen, maybe fifteen, was standing in front of it, talking to it quietly and rubbing its fur. The giant beast licked her face.

Ladybug swung over to where Chat was. "Who is that?" she asked, even though Chat was probably as confused as she was.

she was right. He shook his head. "I have no idea."

They heard Illusionist growl form behind. She waved her stick and the wolf disappeared. The girl turned from where she was standing.

"And who are you?" Illusionist asked irritably. "Hawkmoth said there were only two of you I had to deal with."

The familiar purple mask hovered in front of Illusionist's face. "Hmm... I have never seen her before. No matter. You only need to get Chat Noir and Ladybug's Miraculous and bring them to me."

The mask disappeared as Illusionist said to the girl, "Hawkmoth says you don't matter."

"Wow, I'm so deeply offended," the girl, who was dressed like a purple and black wolf, said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

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