The Valentine's Dance Part 2

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 Adrien was bored after school, and, and having finished his homework, he decided to go around town.

"Come on, Plagg." He probably should've just transformed, because Plagg would likely have saved a little speech for just such an occasion, thinking he was visiting Marinette.

Adrien was right.

"Going to see your girlfriend again?" Plagg taunted.

Adrien rolled his eyes. "Come on, Plagg, you of all people should know, she is not my girlfriend. And, no, I'm not going to visit Marinette." 'Unless she's out,' Adrien thought.

"Mm-hmm," Plagg said. "Suuuurrree."

Adrien could tell Plagg didn't believe him. "Whatever, Plagg. Claws out!!" Chat Noir leapt out the window, using his baton to maneuver his way along the rooftops. It was already growing dark out, so he stopped, landing on the very top of his school.

From here, he could see everything, and he involuntarily glanced over at Marinette's house, which was right beside the school. She was not out, but today he was feeling particularly bored, so he went over to her house.

He could see her through the trapdoor, just coming into her bedroom. He rapped on the small door, and she looked up. She smiled and went up, opening the trapdoor.

"Long time, no see, Chat Noir," she said. Her voice was kind and sweet.

"Forgive me, princess, if I disturbed you," Chat teased.

Marinette laughed. "Not at all, my noble knight," she said, playing along.

They laughed for a bit then Chat asked, "How are things going for you?"

"Pretty good, and how about you, Chat?" She looked up at him.

"Pretty well, too. What's happening at school?" he asked, even though he already knew.

"Well," she started, looking excited. "I'm hosting the Valentine's dance at our school with my best friend, Alya."

"Awesome!" Chat congratulated. "Have you got a date?"

She looked down, rubbing the ground with her foot. "No, not yet," she said. Her voice sounded sad.

Chat wanted to cheer her up, but it wasn't like he could just say, "Hey, I'll take you!" since he couldn't let her know he was Adrien. So, instead, he said, "I'm sure someone will ask you."

"Yeah," she said, brightening. "Maybe."

Chat was glad Marinette wasn't sad anymore. It hurt him to see her sad or upset. He was about to say something, when a loud boom rocked the ground.

'Uh-oh,' he thought. Another akuma. "You'd better go inside," he said, turning to Marinette. Her face was either irritated or confused.

"Yeah, I'll see you later," she said, going under the trapdoor.

Chat leapt off the balcony to where the crash was. He groaned. Gigantitan. Again. Why couldn't August just be a happy baby like every baby else?

Ladybug dropped beside him, groaning.

"I know, right?" Chat said.

"Well, let's get this over with," Ladybug said, taking out her yo-yo.

They quickly defeated Gigantitan with the help of Ladybug's lucky charm, and Ladybug purified the akuma. "No more evil-doing for you, little akuma." She opened her yo-yo, its pink sparkles lifting with excitement. "Time to de-evilize!" She shouted while thinking, 'De-evilize? Where did I come up with that?' "Gotcha! Bye-bye little butterfly."

The white butterfly fluttered away as Ladybug tossed the lucky charm into the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!" The magic ladybugs cleansed everything, setting everything back the way it was, when the world was perfect and rosy. (Megamind)

"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat Noir said simultaneously.

"Thanks to Ladybug and Chat Noir, the citizens of Paris are now free to sleep in peace. Thank you, Ladybug and Chat Noir!" Nadja Shamak reported.

"See ya soon, Chat." With that Ladybug was off.

"'Till next time, my lady," Chat said, leaving baby August with his mother, then he left.

On the suburbs of Paris, on top of an old, abandoned warehouse on the edge of a forest, a lone figure watched the scene play out before her, her red eyes glancing every which way, sparkling in the pale moonlight. Her eyes had followed the movements of Ladybug and her partner Chat Noir.

Just as soon as the figure appeared, she turned disappearing into the woods behind her.

Sorry it's so short!!

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