The Valentine's Dance Part 3

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A few days later, four days until the dance, a new student was admitted into the school. Ms. Bustier announced it on Monday.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today," she said, motioning with her hand. "This is Nicki Leleux. Nicki, you may sit in the back row with Lila for today."

Nicki Leleux, a girl of fourteen, maybe fifteen, was average height. Her brown hair with purple streaks hung loose, coming down to the middle of her back. Her outfit consisted of a cute, purple miniskirt with black leggings, and her purple hoodie matched her skirt. Her shoes were black and white.

Probably the most captivating feature of this new girl was her eyes. The position and shape were perfectly normal, but the color was a rare one.

Her eyes seemed to glow red.

They weren't menacing or ugly, just a little chilling. They sparkled with a friendly light as she made her way past Marinette and Alya's row, then walked past. She sat down next to Lila.

When class was over, everyone filed out of the room to the cafeteria. A lot of people crowded Lila's table as she sat down. Marinette, Adrien, Alya and Nino sat down at their own table. Nicki walked up to them.

"Ok if I sit here?" she asked.

Marinette nodded. "Sure, but there was plenty of room at Lila's table. Why not sit over there?"

Nicki glanced in Lila's direction. "Oh... I have my reasons," she answered vaguely.

Marinette shrugged. "Fair enough."

They ate in silence for awhile.

"Does Lila have a crush on anyone?" Nicki asked suddenly.

All of them nearly choked on their food, and Marinette and Adrien turned red.

Nicki said, "I'll take that as a yes."

"Yeah, she's bent on Adrien being her boyfriend." Alya nodded.

"Ah," was all Nicki said.

"Soooo...," Nino said. "Where're you from, Nicki?" he asked.

"Hmm? Oh," Nicki glanced in his direction. "I'm, um, from Avignon. I used to be homeschooled."

"Oh, cool!" Adrien spoke up. "So did I."

Nicki smiled. "Cool."

The bell rang. "Only a few more classes," Marinette said. Then everyone left.

After classes, Alya asked Nicki to meet her and Marinette in the auditorium. Nicki agreed.

"Are we even allowed to do this? Ms. Bustier said 'Alya and Marinette,'" Marinette said as they waited for Nicki to show up.

"Of course, girl. Chill out. I asked Ms. Bustier and she's totally cool with it," Alya said.

"If you say so...," Marinette said.

Nicki finally showed up. "Yes?" she asked.

"We want to know if you would like to help decorate for the Valentine's dance," Alya said.

"That is, if you're free," Marinette added.

Nicki pulled out her phone and looked at it. "Yeah, I think I'll be able to do that."

Alya smiled. "Great, see ya then!"

"Thanks for inviting me," Nicki said.

They all left, Alya switching off the light as she walked out. As soon as Alya dropped Marinette off at her house, Marinette went inside long enough to put her school bag away and finish her homework. Then she left, telling her parents she was visiting a friend.

"Ok, sweetie, but be back before dark!" her mother called as she left.

"I will, Mom. Bye," Marinette called back, and left. She headed over to Master Fu's place to talk to him.

"Hello, Marinette," he said as she came in.

"Hello, Master," she replied. "I came to ask you if I could just look at the Miracle Box, and the Miraculous inside it."

Master Fu nodded. "Of course," he said, then walked over to it, punched in the secret passcode and slid it onto the ground in front of Marinette. It opened and Marinette looked inside. Then she noticed something.

"Master Fu, which Miraculous is that? And where is it?" Marinette pointed to an empty box at the bottom of the Miracle Box.

"That is the Miraculous of the wolf, which grants the power of loyalty. As for where it is, I have given it away to someone I know will take great care of it," he said.

"Who?" Marinette asked.

"Oh, my great- great- granddaughter." He shrugged.

"Who is she? Are you saying— wait, when did you give it to her?" Marinette interrupted herself.

"A couple of days ago."

They talked for awhile, then Marinette looked at her phone. "Oh, shoot. Master Fu, I've got to get going. I'll see you later." She ran out the door.

Wayzz flew out from his perch on the music player. "Master, do you really think she is capable of handling the wolf Miraculous? The last person..." He was talking about Master Fu's great- great- granddaughter. He trailed off.

"I believe she will be able to handle it. Nicki is a very responsible person," he said with a twinkle in his eye. "We will also hope that she will be able to help Ladybug and Chat Noir with... you know," he said.

Wayzz nodded. "I know." He smiled.

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