not to be nsfw but i wanna hold her hand

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her eyes are perfect.

their depth,

their color,

their power to hold me captivated.

when she glances at me and our eyes lock,

i swear she can peer into my soul.

she can see every thought i've had of her.

she can hear every sob i've muffled into my pillows.

she can feel the warmth of my body when i'm sick.

she can taste everything i've eaten when i was sad, or mad, or feeling anything.

she can smell every scent i hold close to my heart.

with her gaze she invades all of my thoughts, making them her own.

and when our eyes lock, she laughs a little.

a stifled laugh, characterized by a soft sideways smile.

it's like she knows what i'm thinking.

she knows how much i want to reach over and hold her,

or have her hold me.

spend countless hours listening to her soft breathing.

spend full days trying to make her laugh, just so i can see her smile.

and i would never act on it.

i would never even admit that i have a crush on her.

because i don't like her nor do i dream of her body next to mine.

i simply love her eyes, and her smile, and her laugh.

just everything about her.

and if that's what liking someone is, boy am i in for a treat.

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