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Edited chapter.

Selena's P.O.V

Today Diana called and told me to get ready because she's hosting a girls night out over her place, and me and Taylor are invited. So I'm gonna call Taylor and tell her about it.

Hey taylor

Hi sel

Do you wanna come over to the sleepover at Diana's

Honestly I don't, but I don't have a choice do I?

Nope - I said popping the 'p' -

Ok come pick me when your ready, I'm gonna start packing up

Kk, me too

After the talk with Taylor I plugged my phone to the speakers and started dancing and screaming the lyrics to Demi's 'really don't care'

"And even if the stars and moon collide"

"I never want you back into my life"

"You can take your words and all your lies"

"Oh oh oh, I really don't care"

After my screaming session. I decided to actually start packing. I got my pink Bloomingdales' beach bag and filled it with all the stuff I would need at the sleepover. When I was done, I grabbed my car keys and drove to Taylor's house, something about Taylor and driving just didn't click. When I got there I got the spare keys Taylor have and went inside. I found Taylor in front of her makeup table.

"Hey!!" I said enthusiastically.

"Hi" she said while smiling.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yep, let's roll." She answered.

"Where did you get that from, The Rock?" I asked jokingly.

"Yes actually" she replied playing along.

After the conversation we laughed and started singing songs to the radio.
We got to Diana's and had a fun night and that pretty much what we did.

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