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may 7, 2020

adele was set to appear on a popular talk show in new york, courtesy of her label who'd had no choice but to show her more attention than normal. she was to attempt to clear the air as much as she could, but focus on promoting her music nevertheless.

touching down in the city, adele hadn't even thought about the nerves she'd receive from the show. instead, she could only focus on containing her excitement to see brandon.

"god, i missed you so much." she murmurs into his grasp, pulling away to connect their lips.

"yeah, we're not all standing here or anything." zion mumbles, the boys resting in the corner with their bags.

brandon picks adele up from the ground, throwing her over his back as he makes his way to the elevators. "i'm ditching you guys!"

"fine, we don't need you anyways." edwin insists. "i guess i'll just go to that music store on my own."

brandon turns to narrow his eyes at him, "don't you dare. go with me in the evening."

he sets her down in the elevator as it closes, in which adele immediately sets her lips over his once again. "yeah that was too long without each other."

"barely two weeks and it felt like a year." he mumbled, leaning over her shoulder. "are you nervous for the show?"

"i'm trying not to think about it." she shrugs. "i'm just hoping i don't fuck up."

"you'll be fine." he insists. the elevator opens, and they set out to search for her room.

"what music store was edwin talking about?" she asks as they observe the room. adele finds the balcony, stepping outside and absorbing into the noise of traffic.

"this huge one in times square." he says, standing beside her. "i wanted to get some equipment for our home studio, broaden my knowledge on this stuff."

"you'll have to teach me." she smiles, and he mirrors it as they head back inside.

"maybe later. i've got something else on my mind right now."

adele's final moments before stepping into the show consisted of her being surrounded by her pr team. they rehearsed the things she should say, her responses, music, and beyond. as professional as she'd wanted to look, almost anyone could see that she had been ready to break down into tears.

she'd seen those segments where celebrities are torn apart on talk shows, especially steven greene who had no remorse for jabbing questions.

"everybody, please welcome adele rose!" the crowd erupts into applause as she steps out behind the velvet curtain. her heart had been racing and her mind had been moving a million miles per hour, though she'd kept herself together on the outside.

the older man stands to shake her hand, before sitting themselves down. "welcome, adele! i heard this is your first talk show in america."

"yeah, it is." she nods with a polite smile, her gaze flickering towards the crowd who'd been staring at her intensely. she looks away.

"how have you been?"

"i'm great." she says. "things have been a bit hectic lately, but i'm starting to get back to normal."

i want to write you a song, brandon arreaga Where stories live. Discover now