t h r e e

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mackenzie opened her eyes when the rays of the sun reach her room again. the next day.

she took her phone to see notifications. she rubbed her eyes cause she saw something impossible.

''am i dreaming?'' she said to herself.

she looked at notifications once again to make sure it's real and then she unblocked her phone. she clicked on instagram icon and she readed: jorlando started following you. 6h.

she scroll up to her dms and opened text from johnny.


hi pretty girl ;)


i just stalked all your instagram


and damnnn you're fucking hot ;)


but you're prabably sleeping now haha


so i'm gonna talk to u later

mackenzie, didn't know why, but she smiled at this messages. she didn't know what to answer so she left him on seen. ouch.


when the teacher started writing something on board, mackenzie looked out of the window because she was so bored. math was the worst subject for her. being honest - she suck at math. don't paying attention is one of the reasons why.

she felt vibes in her back pocket of her jeans. wow, she never got a message during the class. her mom must have something important to say.

she looked up to see if teacher is still turned around and she took her phone.

kenzie ublocked her phone and she saw dm from johnny.


are u kidding me? i'm trying to get ur @ all night and u just leaving me on seen?


kinda rood

mackenzie rolled her eyes but smiled a little. she bit her lip and started typing.


stop talking to me wtf


wow you finally answer


kinda nice


don't u have class or something


yea, don't u too?


but you still choosing to talk with me ;)


i'm talking to you just because teacher is boring af so


math is not that bad yk


𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 ➼ 𝘫𝘦𝘯𝘻𝘪𝘦Where stories live. Discover now