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''mackenzie!'' she heard someone calling her when she entered the school. she turned around and saw johnny talking with some guy. he said goodbye to him and walked to her.

''johnny?'' she bit her lip, didn't know what to say. 

after hers texted yesterday, john tried to talk with her but she turned off her phone. 

''i texted you yesterday...'' he smiled at her.

''um, sorry my phone died.'' she tried go to class but he stopped her. 

''i'm so happy that we're going together to this party. i really want to get know you better. '' mackenzie looked down, playing with her fingers. 

''about that... i don't think we should go together. my text yesterday was wrong, i'm sorry.'' johnny looked around, trying to think how convince her. he saw millie next to her locker, looking at them and he smirked. 

john took mackenzie hand, what made her looked into his eyes. wow, his beautiful eyes.

''hi... i really want to go with you.'' he smiled softly looking at her. ''please say yes. i think that you're really good person and i want to spend more time with you. with no one else.''

kenzie looked down at their hands and she bit her lip.

''fine, i will go with you. but now i really have to go to class.'' she let go of his hand. 

''ok, i'm gonna pick you up at six so text me your address.''she nodded and then left to class.

johnny smirked and looked back at millie. she still was staring at them. johnny winked at her and went to gym. 



kenzie was standing in front of her closet thinking what to wear. she never went to a party. she just showed for couple minutes to maddie's birthday but she was leaving early. she hate parties.

and also she never knows what to wear. this time is special cause it's kinda a date. right? 

she bit her lip and resigned sat on her bed. 

after a while she heard knock on her door. she looked up and saw maddie.

she was already ready. she was wearing short wine dress and black heels. her makeup looked so good. kenzie wish that she could be that talented as her sister is. 

''hey, little sis.'' maddie came into a room and sat next to mackenzie. maddie sighed and looked at her sister. ''i'm sorry for all i said yesterday. i just didn't want to millie to be sad but i didn't realize that i'm hurting you too. i kinda fucked this up. i'm so sorry. please forgive me.''

maddie wraped her arms around kenzie. mackenzie smiled softly and hugged back. 

''of course i forgive you. i'm sorry too.'' maddie giggled and looked at her sister.

''so what the problem? why you're not dressed?'' mackenzie sighed. 

''cause i don't know what to wear. i never went to a party with boy, i'm kinda nervous. but it's not like i like him or something.'' maddie nodded and got up. she came closer to kenzie's closet.

''wear this.'' maddie took black with white dots long sleeve top which was revealing her shoulders and black jeanes. ''wear black heels to this and it's perfect.'' she smiled. 

mackenzie got up and hugged her sister. she was lucky that she had her.

''thank you.'' they looked into their eyes. 

''ok, i have to go now. millie asked to help her with something before the party starts. i love sissy.'' she kissed kenzie's cheek and left the house. 

after ten minutes mackenzie was ready with outfit and makeup. she looked at herself in mirror and then she heard knock on ther front door and her moms scream. 

''kenz, your friend is here!'' 


hey, welcome to another chapter! the next one is a party so it of course is gonna be juicy ;) comment what you think about this one! love you all <3


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