Moving Day

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It's moving Day, the day when I have to leave behind everything I've known and grown to love,  and start all over again. I wanted to bawl my eyes out,  but instead I sucked it up , picked up the last of my boxes and walked right out the door.  "Goodbye Old Friend" I said silently. I'll  admit that was a tad bit dramatic,  in my defence,  for the past seven years it's all I've known. I hopped into our family car,  A Range Rover Vogue SE  , don't ask me the year model or anything like that,  I suck at anything related to cars.  I looked into my handbag for the familiar pink and black book. My diary.  This may seem weird to most people but yes I do have a diary,  I'm 17,  I have a phone,  laptop,  you name it,However, there's something  comforting about physically writing down everything I feel on a plain old piece of paper,  that's sacred to me. 

January 3rd,  2014

Dear Diary
It's here,  the day I say goodbye to my home,  the only home I've known for the past seven years. I have somewhat mixed emotions about this entire experience.  I'm sad because I'm leaving , and yet in a sense I'm relieved that I get to leave.  Start again.  I mean change is good right?  I can forget about Chase, or at least try. 

Until we meet again

We're approximately 4 hours from my new home, or the place I will be residing in for the next few months or until I turn 18 and leave for college. I look forward to that day.  I can almost taste the freedom.  Free to go wherever I want,  do whatever I want, and most importantly  , live wherever I want.  I know I sound like such a rebellious teenager that can't wait to leave the suffocation of my parents nest,  however that's not the case,  I just genuinely want to be independent  , it's been my dream for as long as I can remember  , to be a successful independent young woman,  I want to be respected because I've earned the respect not because of who my husband is.  You know? 

After my last rant with myself,  which was roughly 3 hours ago I fell asleep,  and awoke to find that I was just  about 45 minutes away from Seattle.  Yay.  For once,  time didn't drag by and I was walking into my new home,  with my family,  not gonna lie it was gorgeous  , it stood out,  loud and proud  with its fine,  old Italian architecture,  everything about this house screamed Old Italy  , almost like this house belonged in one of those lifestyle magazines. You know the ones that showcase all those gorgeous homes that cost more than our lives? 

Yep,  well now I live in one of those, now don't get me wrong when I say this but,  this house is practically a museum,  look but don't touch,  I think this may have been my dads way of bribing my mom into moving.  I didn't say much after we arrived , I grabbed a box of my stuff,  you know the important box with my clothes and underwear for tonight and tomorrow morning. I trudged up the millennial old stairs and found a bedroom best suited to my needs. 

I've been walking up these stairs for an eternity,  turns out this house have four other levels  , making it a 5 storey home . If I don't lose weight living here,  then damn.

I reached my  bedroom,which was assigned to me by my parents,  I mean I'm kinda of a "freedom of choice" woman but hey I was too tired and grumpy to fight for my rights, like the good civilian I am.  I walked into my room, falling in love with it immediately  , it had a glass ceiling,  well the middle of the ceiling  was glass,  I think it's called a sky light,  it was beautiful  , the room was decorated in silver,  grey and black,  it looked exquisite,  the bed had a bunch of faux fur pillows that were grey and white,  it was perfect,  the room itself was huge,  which is always a plus. 

I walked a little to my left and found a massive walk in closet,  I mean it was gigantic

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I walked a little to my left and found a massive walk in closet,  I mean it was gigantic. I'm in heaven.  Oh the potential.

To my right was a complete bathroom,  fitted with a shower,  a Jacuzzi bathtub and toilet,  all marble

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To my right was a complete bathroom,  fitted with a shower,  a Jacuzzi bathtub and toilet,  all marble. 


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Not needing any more convincing,  I rid myself of my clothes,  hopped into the shower,  and cleansed myself of the biggest day of my life yet.  It still feels surreal , almost like I'm stuck in a dream, not wanting to be there, yet somehow too intrigued to leave , because I  want to know how this ends.

There's so much going on in my head and I've only been here a few hours.  I have a thing with over thinking , it's kind of a toxic relationship to be honest. 

After my unnecessarily long  shower, I got into the coziest bed ever . You'd  think I'd be tired after travelling but noooo,  here I was,  stuck in my thoughts.  As much as I wanted to forget about him.  I just couldn't,  it's been four months or so and yet every night I go to bed plagued with thoughts of him,  Chase,  for so long he was it for me,  the perfect guy,  with the perfect face,  perfect heart,  just perfect.  I always knew deep down it would end like this,  me broken because he finally saw how imperfect I was,  I was never the right fit  for his world,  here I am,  trying to piece back the pieces of my life, bit  by bit,  and he went back to his perfect life  . It's ironic though, the only person who was able to put me back together  by holding me so tight the pieces mended themselves , was the one person who managed to break me in merely a sentence. 

With that said I forced those thoughts to the back of my head and thanked the heavens above for this clean slate. I tossed and turned for a while before falling into a dreamless state of mind, with only one thought in my head.

I hope it all works out.

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