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It's  Sunday , which means my lazy ass is about to un-lazy  itself and make the time to call the homeschooling agencies that I looked up .

I rolled out of bed around 09h30 , brushed my teeth, showered and    threw on a cute sundress , tied my hair up , I didn't put in much effort,  because it's  Sunday .

I logged onto the first agency's  website and clicked on their contact information , I finally plucked up the courage to call , it rang,  and rang , eventually I hung up and called the second agency. A robot answered. 


After almost losing hope, I decided to call the third agency, I mean it is what it is,  third time is the charm,  right?

They answered!

They actually answered!

I got over the initial  awkwardness that usually comes from hoping someone answers the phone but not knowing what to do when they do answer .

I asked a few questions, turns out it'll  work just like an average  school day   except , the tutor comes  to you , you spend an allocated amount of time on certain subjects  etc.  The  price was a bit steep,  $25 500,00 a month . I mean that's insane , but that's expected. Although,  the plus side is I will graduate faster than  everyone else because of my existing grades, so I just have to keep that up , and we should be good.

I took all the information I learnt about the agency , to pitch to my father , who actually was more than willing to listen .

A half hour later , my father was sold on the idea of homeschooling.  He even praised me for putting in the effort  to do the research.

He promised to call the agency on Monday,  to make an appointment  for an orientation. I couldn't  believe  this was happening.

My father asked me to  stay with him in his office , as he went over some final  paperwork in regards to the Steel  Manufacturing  deal.

My vision was immediately swarmed by numbers and statistics   business concepts  and proposals. The day flew by, and by the end of it , we were exhausted. I looked up at my father and caught him watching  me.

"Do  you need something Dad?" I asked.
"I'm proud of you, you handled everything  like a champ , from the move , to the potential kidnapping at the mall, to the homeschooling,  and now this, you're doing well." He said , with a glimmer of pride in his eyes.

I couldn't  help the swell I felt in my chest, I felt undeserving  of this compliment. I hated moving , uprooting my life, leaving behind my friends, I couldn't  stand having a target on my back, and yes there are times I wished I could relate to people my age , I wished I didn't have to turn to homeschooling  so I could balance a work and school life. I wished for normalcy in my everyday day.

I wouldn't  dare tell my father this , not because he would be angry or disappointed , but because I would be angry and disappointed  in myself. This life I have , is a blessing. I should feel blessed . My parents have worked hard to afford us this lifestyle. Therefore,  I too will do my part. I will earn my keep.

That night I went to bed with a heavy heart. I felt guilty. I guess somewhere inside I felt undeserving of the life I had, but I made up my mind , I chose not to dwell on the things I cannot change,  instead,  tomorrow  I will do my best at the orientation,  and continue  to make my father proud.

I woke to the wretched sound of my alarm. I turned over, and shoved a pillow over my face , willing the wretched sound away, to no avail.

I dragged myself out of the safe haven , that is my bed , and into my shower. I basked in the warmth of the water that cascaded over my body.

After my shower I got dressed into a navy plaid skirt , with a black halter neck blouse. I threw my hair into a half ponytail , and curled the ends.  I accessorized with a gold choker and matching stud earrings,that were gifted to me by my father , last Christmas.

I wasn't  heading to school today , so I had breakfast with Tyler, while we waited for my dad to finish a conference  call.

"I know you're going to do great cupcake , stop frowning." Tyler  said,  sensing  my unease.

"I just don't  want to mess this up , theres a lot riding on this,  it could be my only chance to impress the agency. You know I dread going to school. " I said , allowing my worry to slip into  my voice. Tyler placed his warm hand over mine , caressing my fingers with his thumb, soothing my nerves with a power only he yields. I've yet to find someone that has the calming effect,  Tyler  has on me. We pulled our hands apart at the sound of Hunter clearing his voice. 

Why did we pull away so quickly? Tyler's  gesture was innocent enough, right? I didn't  ponder over it for too long , because Hunter informed us that my father won't  be accompanying  us to the orientation, but would meet us there instead.

At that , Tyler  and I made our way out to the car. We drove in comfortable silence,  we pulled up outside the offices of the agency , and I felt the nerves set in again. Tyler turned to me , and looked into my eyes. "You've got this, stop selling yourself short , I'll be right here when you get out." He smiled reassuringly at me.

Three hours later , I  was on my way out of the office building , feeling as confident as ever. The orientation went well,  and they accepted me into the programme , as soon as I completed the first exam. I was definitely  riding on a cloud. My dad had called and told me to come to his office instead,  because his conference   lasted longer than anticipated. I agreed and now was on my way to dad's  office with Tyler.

Upon arriving , the rude receptionist  from my first visit,  was nowhere to be seen.

Is it bad that I was happy about it? They probably just moved her around , I had a feeling I wasn't  the first person  to take note of her improper behavior.

I headed straight for the elevator,  already knowing my way around. The ping let me know I had arrived on my father's  floor,  I walked confidently with Tyler and Hunter  on my heel.

In my fog of excitement  to share the news of my acceptance with my father  , I'd missed a step and almost hit the floor face first,  had Tyler not caught me, with his arm snaked around my waist he pulled me to my feet , steadying  me , his arms around my waist never faltering.

At that exact  moment,  we heard the door to my father's  office open,  and there he stood , in all his might , Brandon  Williams.

Our  eyes met and I'd be lying if I said I couldn't feel the tension between us, it was palpable  , it almost crackled like electricity. If I had doubts before , I certainly don't  anymore, there was definitely  a spark between us.

I watched as his eyes began raking  down my body, stopping short at my waist. It was at this moment  I'd realised the compromising position Tyler and I were in , his arms stayed snaked  around my waist, almost tighter than before. I caught the fire in Brandon's  eyes, and felt the unspoken rage radiate of him in waves. He met Tyler's  eyes, communicating his threats silently. Tyler didn't  budge, I have no idea what he was thinking , but I felt him pull me closer  to his side , as if I were choosing sides , I pushed Tyler's arms of me and stepped towards Brandon  , offering him my hand in greeting.

"Mr Williams." I said as formally as I could manage. I watched as he smirked , taking my hand in his , almost caressing  it subtly.

"Miss Knight." He said , each syllable rolling off his tongue in perfect unison. The name I've heard for years, hundreds of times, of tens of different tongues, sounded almost seductive when uttered from his lips.

My breath caught in my throat , and I know he heard it, because a ghost of a smirk adorned his beautiful face.

"Shall we then?" I asked.

I looked up at the ceiling , hoping my guardian angels were watching,  and would protect me from making an embarrassment  of myself.

Fingers  crossed Esmè.

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