Reality Hits

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Amelia's POV:

I get off the phone with owen and sit it down on the coffee table. I stare down at the ground in disbelief. Owen and Cristina are done. Owen needs me. He actually needs me. I shake my head to try and stop the thoughts that are coming through my head. He is going to have to go through a lot during this, getting a divorce and everything. I can't just get into a relationship that fast. And even if that was a possibility, I do not think Owen even likes me the way that I like him. I sigh and lean back on the couch waiting for him to get here. He walks in the door a couple minutes later and I get up to hug him, like a friend would. I hold onto him and rub his back and I suddenly start to hear him sniffle and I realize he is crying.

"Owen you do not deserve this. I promise you that you are a good man and I will help you get through this" 

"Thank you for letting me stay here. It really means a lot." He says into my shoulder.

"Go over to the couch we can sit down and you can rant." I say as I walk over to the couch. We sit down on the couch and he sighs again. 

"Part of me just doesn't believe it but then the other part of me is not surprised this happened at all"

I nod a bit, "I mean this in the nicest way possible and since im your best friend I can say anything to you right?"

I watch as he nods so I continue, "Cristina wasn't good for you. I don't really know if you ever noticed it cause you were in love with her but everyone else has noticed it. And that is that it always looked like you were the only one putting in effort and that she was more married to your work. And I mean also you can not forget about the abortion situation when she got one without telling you when she knew that was your life goal, to have a family of your own..." I stop myself from talking when I realize that I have just sat here and talked so much shit on Cristina to the man who has been married to her for over a year, almost two. I suddenly feel awful and he's totally going to realize I didn't like her. oops. 

Owen doesn't say anything for a few seconds which makes me nervous but he eventually talks, "Wow. I guess you never really liked her did you?"

I sigh and look down, "Owen its not that I didn't like her. It is just that as your best friend who knows you very well I could tell that she wasn't the best girl for you but you were so happy and in love with her that I couldn't take that away from you. "

I feel Owen put his hand on my back and I get butterflies in my stomach just from a simple hand on the back. I tell my brain to stop it once again considering he just got out of a relationship literally an hour ago. 

"You're right Amelia. I realize she wasn't the one for me but I just wanted to keep pushing, trying to make it work because I really wanted it too. but now especially I have realized that I was never going to be able to change her, change her views or the things she wants. You just can't do that to a person. So in conclusion, we never would have worked out perfectly. so maybe this is for the best." He says looking down at his hand, now without a wedding band.

My heart actually aches for him and all I want to do is just kiss him and tell him everything will be fine, he has me. but I can't do that, not yet. 

Owen's POV: 

Amelia said a lot of good things to me and she really made me realize that I was never going to be able to change Cristina. This is for the best and I will keep telling myself that until I finally feel it for good. I just really want all the attention off of me so I think that now would be a great time to ask how Amelia is doing, if she's got anything going on in the romance part of life.

"I know I just had a life change but since we are best friends I also gotta know whats going on in your life. Hows It going? Any secret boyfriends? Shepherd family drama? I always love those stories" I say with a light chuckle to make the conversation less serious and more friendly.

Amelia shakes her head and laughs too, I love that laugh I think to myself. I hear her talk and it takes me back to reality and out of my thoughts, "No secret boyfriends. and as for family drama there really isn't any. You know that they don't talk to me much cause they think im still an addict.." she rubs her face and leans back, "The only one that talks to me is Derek and you see him everyday. but he's good I guess"

I nod, "yeah I know your family is still a bunch of assholes not listening to you. I will get them to come around at some point I promise. but until then you have my mom and sister cause they love you." I look over at her and smile. 

God she is pretty. I have never really looked at her as anything other than a friend but im starting to see how perfect she is. "Owen you just got divorced calm the hormones" my brain says to itself. I need to wait a while before I do anything or even have a romantic conversation with Amelia, at least thats what the plan inside my head was...


There we go! Part 2 everyone. I really hope you enjoyed it, I gotta admit this part was fun to write. Also a big thank you to everyone who has been commenting about being excited for the story! I am so excited to be writing this for you guys and I want to hear any ideas you have as always so let me know!

And once again, thank you so much for reading!

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