Hard Times & Happy Endings

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Amelia's POV:

I can't believe I am pregnant. I have no clue what to do. Owen isn't going to be back for three more months and I do not think I can just deliver this kind of news through a letter. I need to tell him in person. The first thought that goes through my head is that I need to tell someone. I can't tell my mom cause she does not talk to me. I don't want to tell Evelyn cause that is something I think Owen would love to tell his mom together with me. Megan. She might know what to do. I take out my phone and text her.

"Hey. Are you busy? I need to talk to you."

"Hey now I am not busy. Are you working? I can come in and see you."

"Yeah I am. I will meet you in the cafeteria."

I leave the bathroom stall and walk down to the cafeteria and sit down at a table as thoughts race through my head. I sit there for probably about 10 minutes and then Megan comes in. She sits down across from me.

"Hey whats up? You look scared, oh my god did something happen to Owen?"

I shake my head quickly, "no no Owen is fine. this is about me"

Megan doesn't stay anything so I take that as a cue to continue talking.

I look at her, "I am pregnant. With Owen's baby and I don't know what to do"

She gasps, "oh my god! Owen will be so happy"

"I know but how do I tell him? Should I wait until he gets back and tell him in person. I feel like he would enjoy it more. I can not do this through a letter."

Megan nods, "Do it as soon as he gets home, he will be so happy Amelia for real."

I smile a bit, "But hey will you come with me to the appointments until he gets back? I don't really have anyone else to talk about this with"

"Of course I will! You just let me know when you gotta go and ill be there right beside you. And call me if you need anything else or just need some company until he gets back."

"Thank you Meg" I get up and hug her and then we both go our separate ways. Its been really hard walking around the halls without Owen.

I see DeLuca in the hallway and grab his arm and pull him into the next room open.

"Woah shepherd what are you doing"

I laugh, "You are my best friend so I get to tell you stuff that other people can not know about. "

"What's the scoop? Is it drama with Yang?"

I shake my head, "Lord no. This is much happier...I think? Anyways you can not tell anyone this yet it needs to stay secret. but I have just found out that I am pregnant. and Andrew I swear to god if you tell anyone I will cut into your brain and make sure you are screwed up forever"

"Congratulations! And I know damn well you are capable of screwing me up so I will for sure not tell anyone."

I nod, "Thank you. And I also felt telling you was important so like if it gets challenging before Owen comes back and something happens to me while we are working you will most likely be with me and can make sure I am taken care of."

"Damn you are giving me a big job to take care of you. I am not built for this"

We both laugh and I shake my head at him, "Well lets end our little chat cause we gotta go do a surgery."

We walk out together and head to the operating room to do a long surgery.

I get home that night and I am exhausted. I think maybe its the whole pregnancy thing but it sucks.

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