Chapter 7: Date # 1

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We stepped out the door to see a black Aston Marten Rapide. Yeah, he's definitely a mafia hit man. You would think that someone his age with a ton of money would buy a super fast sports car, but he went for luxury.

I glance back at my house and say what I am sure will be the last goodbye. I should have hugged my mom one more time.

He opens the passenger door for me, and helps me into the car before getting in on the other side.

"Are you warm enough, Magnolia?"

I feel my face redden as he takes my hand again, kissing it. A little too warm actually.

"I-I'm fine."

"You do not have to be so nervous, my love. I won't bite, unless you want me to." He gives me a teasing grin. Oh, boy. This guy is trouble. Sexy, sexy trouble.

He starts the car and soon we are off down the road.

When the car stops, I am extra glad I let Aria dress me up. He jumps out of the car, then comes around to open mine just as I'm about to pull the handle. He offers his arm to me and we walk in to 'The Petroleum Club', Cedar Creek's only high class dining establishment. Oh, and did I mention it's members only?

We walk through the door and I feel like I'm entering a forbidden holy ground. The fanciest place I've ever been is Applebee's. The host (maitre d'?") greets Nicolas with a formal bow. Should I curtsy? No, I don't think so. Right?

"Welcome back Mr. Santiago. Your table is waiting." He hands a couple of menus to a waiter and we follow him to a candle lit table. Nicolas orders a Shirley Temple for me and a Roy Rogers for him.

"What's a Shirley Temple?"

He grins mischievously, "You will like it, trust me, bela flor."

"This place is incredible. Everything tonight is incredible. Are you sure you went to Cedar Creek? Because I don't remember anyone as um," I search for a word that doesn't make me sound like such a peasant, but I can't.

"Rich?" He finishes for me, smiling.

I shrug. "I was going to say refined, but yeah."Sure I was...Because I can do the word thing right now...

"My father wanted me to make my own way. He didn't want me to grow up a spoiled rich kid so I went to public school and wore low brand clothing that I bought with money I earned while still learning how to navigate the intricacies of upper class living."

"Oh. So, what does your dad do for a living?"

"He is what many refer to as an Oil Baron. He also owns this club."

"And what about you? Did you follow in his footsteps?"

He smiled, "Almost. I am working on becoming a pharmacist."

I raised my eyebrow, "That doesn't sound like it would pay enough for that Austin Marten. I thought you would have picked a more glamorous career."

He smirks, "The waiter will return with our drinks soon. We should decide what to order."

Avoiding the question, eh? I'll let you off for now, but only because there is food on the line. I take a moment to look at the menu. There is a mix of your standard fancy American fare; steak, shrimp, crab, etc.,and things from other countries that I couldn't even pronounce. I decide to stick to something I know I like.

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