You did what?!

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Eunhyuk's POV

"Donghae! How could you possibly "accidentally" jump into the lake but naked?!!" I yelled at Donghae as I picked him up from the police Station
"Hyukkie I promise it was an Accident. Things happened too fast" he said as he continued to dry off his hair with the towel I brought for him
"So what you're telling me right now is that your clothes magically fell off your body and a Ghost pushed you into the lake and forced you to swim around screaming "freedom"? That's what you're saying right now?" I asked as I got into the car
"Exactly! It was a ghost Hyukkie" Donghae said as he got into the passenger seat
"You know I don't believe in Ghost Donghae, and even if they were real why on earth would a ghost strip you of your clothes and push you into the lake?" I asked as I rubbed my forehead trying to get rid of the mini headache that was trying to come
"Because the Ghost was the ghost of my ex boy friend" Donghae said as he looked at me. I looked up at him and sighed
"I'm not going to deal with his today Hae, you scared all them innocent children. You're lucky their parents didn't press charges" I said as I started the car
" but Hyukkie-"
"I don't wanna hear it Lee Donghae" I said cutting him off as I drove home
"Hyukkie I'm hungry" Donghae whined as he came into our room
"Hae, you are a grown man go make yourself something to eat" I said as I got back on my phone
"I don't wanna cook I want pizza" he whined some more
"Then order it" I said
" I don't wanna order it I want you to order it" he whined even more. I ignored him but the whining didn't stop
"Hyukkie pleaseeeee" he cried
"Ugh FINE I'll order you some pizza" I yelled as I got off of YouTube and pulled up Pizza hits phone number
"Which type of pizza do you want?" I asked
"Pepperoni!" He yelled
After I ordered the pizza I went downstairs to watch some TV. 5 minutes in to watching Tv I got a random text message from some unknown number
"Leave Donghae alone he's mine" the message read. I ignored it and continued watching Tv
3 minutes later the door bell rung. I got up and opened the door
"Did you order 2 large pepperoni pizzas under the name of Eunhyuk?" The boy asked
"Yes I did" I said as I pulled out my money
"That will be $10.50" he said. I gave him the money and closed the door
"Hae! Your pizza is here" I yelled
2 seconds later Hae came running down the stairs and got his pizza. I sat back down on the couch and picked my phone
"Whoa, 34 new messages?!" I said out loud as I saw that the unknown number talking about Donghae texted me 34 times in 2 minutes
"34 new messages from who?" Donghae asked as he came over to me with Pizza in his mouth
"From nobo-"
"This is him!" Donghae yelled as he cut me off my snatching my phone and reading the messages
"Who?" I asked
"My ex, the one I was telling you about" he said as he continued reading the messages
"Hae" I started as I sighed and started rubbing my forehead feeling that headache trying to come back
"You said your ex is a Ghost, if he's supposed to be a "ghost" then how is he possibly texting me?" I asked
"He's using his ghost number. Ghost be bored too Hyukkie, they want phones and Instagram just like us" Hae said as he looked at me
"I'm not going to put up with this right now" I sighed once more before I took my phone back
"Who is this?" I texted. 30 seconds later I got a reply
"I'm Hyukjae, Donghae's ex" I rolled my eyes st the text
"See i told you!" Donghae said as he jumped up
"That still doesn't explain the water incident Donghae" I said as I blocked this so called Hyukjae and got up to go to sleep
"Wait Hyukkie, you don't wanna eat any pizza?" Donghae asked
"No I'm not hung...ry.. hey, can I ask you a question" I asked
"Did you call Hyukjae Hyukkie too?" I asked
"Oh.. well I did once but it was only one time I promi-"
"Don't call me that anymore then" I said cutting Donghae off and going into the room

Am I gonna let this supposed ex boyfriend really get under my skin?

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