After fight romance

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Eunhyuk's POV

"How cute are they right?"
"Right i agree, I honestly can't wait until the wedding"
"I'm gonna take a picture to remember this"
I woke up from my sleep from soft voices talking
I turned around and saw Donghae still sleeping
"Oh honey you're finally up" I looked up to see mine and Donghae's mom in my room
"Hey, um what time is it?" I asked
"It's 9:35pm" Donghae's mom said
"Omg really?! The last time I checked the time it was 2pm" I said
"Well you and Donghae were in here all day" my mom said as she started laughing
"Also, there's a person here to see you" my mom said
"Who?" I asked
"Me!" Siwon said as he came into my room
Siwon what are you doing here?!" I said as I quickly stood up
"So when did you start wearing Donghae's shirt to bed?" Siwon asked
"When did you start becoming so nosy? Oh yeah, you were born that way" Donghae said as he popped up randomly
"We'll leave you guys to talk. No fighting though" my mom said as her and Donghae's mom left
"Why do you always get so upset when I even look at Eunhyuk?" Siwon asked
"Because I know you have feelings for him, stop trying to sugar code it like you're just trying to be his friend" Donghae said
"Why you gotta expose me like that?" Siwon said as he smiled a sad smile
"What what do you mean expose you?" I asked
"He's right, I do have feelings for you" Siwon said
"Wait, what since when?" I asked, confused
"Since middle school, but Donghae and you were always closer and since you two grew up together because of your moms, Donghae won your heart before I could" He said as he looked me dead in the eyes
"But what could have made you feel like this?" I asked, still confused
"Because" Siwon started as he walked closer to me and put his hand on my cheek
"Because I love you, it just happened that way" He said as he grabbed my face and tried to kiss me, before I could back away or push him away Donghae grabbed Siwon and pushed him to the floor
"Get out" he said
"Donghae I-"
"I don't wanna hear it!! Get out now!! I don't wanna ever see you around Eunhyuk again, and if I see you as much as glance at him I will literally cut your balls off!" Donghae said as he glared a Siwon
Siwon sat there stunned for a minute before he looked at me
"Eunhyuk, I want you to choose" Siwon said
"Choose? Choose what?" I asked, being my usual clueless self
"I want you to choose between me and Donghae" he said
"Siwon, why do you keep constantly hurting yourself like this?" I asked as I sighed
"No, go ahead babe, choose. Let him know" Donghae said as he crossed his arms and looked at Siwon
"Right, Now is it Donghae or M-"
"Donghae. You never had a chance Siwon, sorry" I said, cutting him off
"I understand" he said as he smiled at me and stood up
"Good bye Eunhyuk" he said before he left my room
"Stop being so perfect all the time, cause when you're perfect you make people like that fall in love with you" Donghae said as he rolled his eyes and hugged me
"Sorry?" I said in a asking way and started laughing

"I'm scared" I said to Donghae as we were walking to our classroom
"Why?" He asked
"Because after what I said to Siwon how could I possibly face him again?" I said as I started to break out in cold sweat
"Babe, you'll be ok, I sit right next to you in class, don't worry" Donghae said
"I'll try not to worry" I said as I entered the classroom. I immediately went to my seat and sat down. Donghae followed shortly after, taking his time and laughing at me in the process
"You're so cute" he said as he sat down beside me
"Oh stop" I said as I pushed him and blushed
Our little moment was interrupted by Ten of course
"So Hae, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute, like in private" Ten said running his fingers through his hair
"Well if you gotta say something to me you have to say it in front of Eunhyuk as well" Donghae said as he pointed to me
"Ok, well I want to tell you that I love you and I want you to date me. I want to marry you and have kids with you, grow old with you and just love you for the rest of my life, love me please Lee Donghae" Ten said as he confessed to a shook Donghae
"Oh- um- Ten I can't-"
"Back off he already has a boyfriend" I said as I stood up, pushing Ten back in the process
"Is that supposed to be you? You don't look like Donghae's type" Ten said as he smirked
"That's because I'm different from you, who sleeps around with everybody at school. He wants someone loyal" i said and smirked back
"Stop it Lee Hyukjae! I hate you, I've always hated you and I'll forever hate you!! You take everything and everyone from me" Ten said as he threw his fist out to hit me but Donghae stop him
"Babe why didn't you let him hit me? It would have been a pass for me to whoop his as-"
"No fighting babe" Donghae and looked at me, cutting me off
"Fine" I said and pouted as I sat back down in my seat
"Babe?" Ten asked
"Well Didn't Eunhyuk just tell you that me and him are dating?" Donghae said
"I hate both of you!" Ten said as he bursted into tears and hit Donghae, getting his hands loose from Donghae's grip
"Oh that's it, I'm gonna hurt this boy" I said as I jumped up and ran after him but was stopped as Donghae held me by my waist
"But Hae, he just hit you" I said and whined
"I'm fine" He said and laughed
"Now sit down" he said
"Fine" I said as I sat down
"But next time he even looks at you, I'm not going to hesitate to hit him" I said as I crossed my arms
"Ok babe" Hae said as he laughed some more

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