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Iduna is eight months pregnant with hers and Agnaar's first child. It is December 21st, the winter solstice, and the kingdom is celebrating the time with decorations and a special festival. They were walking around town, checking the progress on the decorations, when Iduna started to feel faint. Agnaar caught her before she fell and instantly carried her back to the castle, helping her to the hospital wing. "Iduna needs help." The maids tended to her a while before one stood up and went to Agnaar, "only the crystal flower can save her your majesty." "What about the baby?" The maid sighed, "if Iduna has the baby she will die, but the baby will survive." Agnaar couldnt imagine life without his love, especially raising their child without her. He quickly went to grab a book off of the shelf and a map fell out, it was the map to the flower. He quickly grabbed it and went to the stables for his horse, riding out of the kingdom and into the woods. He rode for what seemed like forever until he saw a blue glow a few feet in front of him. He got off his horse and looked from the picture to the flower, "this is it." He smiled. He carefully picked up the flower and put it in a bag with soil to keep it alive a little longer. He got back on his horse and rode to the kingdom, soon getting to the gates and running inside with the flower. He finally reached Iduna and the maids, handing one of the maids the flower, "hurry, please." The maid bowed and put the flower in a cup of hot water, seeing the blue glow brighter as the flower melted into the water. The maid quickly took it to Iduna and she drank it, feeling stronger instantly. Hours later a baby girl is born, "its a girl your majesty." Agnaar was handed the baby girl wrapped in a thin blanket, she had platinum blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. He smiled at his beautiful daughter, "our little Elsa."

Around Elsa's first birthday Iduna noticed something strange about her daughter, snow would start falling if she was sad, if she was happy, and if she was angry. "Agnaar, i think something is wrong with her." He looked over at Elsa, who was playing in the snow she had created, "nothing is wrong dear, she's fine." Iduna sighed, "Agnaar shes creating snow out of thin air, thats not normal." All of the sudden Elsa sneezed and a baby snow creature appeared, Elsa hugged it close and giggled. "See? Not normal Agnaar." He sighed, "alright, I'll search the library and see what i can find." He left to the castle's library and Iduna sat next to Elsa on the floor, "oh Elsa, daddy will fix this." Elsa continued playing with the snowman and laughing.
Now Elsa is three years old and Iduna has had another baby, a girl she named Anna. Anna has strawberry blonde hair and blue-green eyes, so she is not like Elsa. Agnaar had found out that Elsa was the hundreth child born on the winter solstice three years ago, Iduna had drank the crystal flower, and the planets were all alligned perfectly, creating the perfect winter child. Agnaar and Iduna are still wary about Elsa having powers, especially with one month old Anna around, but they let her create things around Anna because it makes her laugh, and it makes Elsa happy.

Fast forwarding a bit, Elsa is seven almost eight, and Anna just turned five. Elsa loves creating things for her little sister, whenever she's hurt, whenever she's upset, or just because, Elsa is always there for Anna. But one night Anna wakes Elsa, wanting to play. They sneak into the ballroom and Elsa creates a winter wonderland for her little sister. One thing leads to another and Elsa slips, causing her to accidentally shoot Anna with her powers. Anna tumbles to the floor and Elsa scrambles to her, "Anna, no no no." She starts to cry, "mama, papa." The king and queen ran in, seeing the frozen room and their daughters on the floor, "Elsa, what happened?" Iduna cradled Anna, "shes as cold as ice." Agnaar quickly went to find a book, "we need to go here. Quickly." They quickly got on their horses, Agnaar holding Anna, and Iduna holding Elsa. When they got to the trolls a leader troll was able to heal Anna, and she was able to keep her memories. "So she will remember my powers?" The troll smiled, "yes dear, but you must be more careful. You are more powerful than you think."
Elsa is now fifteen and Anna is twelve. "Elsa come on, please?" Elsa sighed, "Anna i dont want to hurt you." Elsa hid her powers from Anna for fear of hurting her again. Anna held Elsa's cold hand, "Elsa please, just this once? I havent seen your powers in years." Elsa sighed, "and you know why? Because i hurt you with them Anna. And i couldnt control it." Anna just smiled, "Elsa, you couldn't control it then because you were young. Youre older now. Please? Please Elsa?" Elsa smiled, sighing in defeat, "alright, but stand back." Anna took a couple steps back as Elsa made it snow in the room. Anna smiled at her sister, "see? You can do it." Elsa smiled, "i guess youre right. I can do it." Elsa made a little snowman just like the one they made as little kids, and Anna put the nose on. "Aww, Olaf."

Now Elsa is eighteen and Anna is fifteen. Their parents left on a ship to the kingdom of corona for Agnaar's neice rapunzel's wedding. But they never returned. Elsa, grief stricken and her powers uncontrollable, locked herself in her room. Anna stayed on the other side of the door, speaking to and comforting her sister. A week passes and Elsa finally comes out of her room. Anna, still sitting on the other side of the door, stood up, "Elsa?" Elsa hugged her sister and cried, "im sorry Anna." Anna held her sister, "its alright. Im still here." She held Elsa close to her chest. "See, im still here." Elsa smiled and wiped her tears, which were now frozen to her cheeks. She and Anna giggled at that before fixing themselves up and going out to the garden. A maid rushed out to them, handing them a letter, "your highness, a letter from your parents." Elsa took it, "thank you." She left and Elsa read it, snow floating around her. "What does it say Elsa?"

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