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Years later and Jacob is seven years old, while Sophie is six years old. Jacob still cant speak, Elsa took him to the trolls to see if they could figure out what is wrong. "Im sorry Queen Elsa, he was just born this way. You could try to slowly teach him words, maybe he could pick it up and start to speak some." Elsa smiled, "thank you grandpabbie. I know we could have just gone to the medical wing in the castle, but i thought you'd be able to help him better." He nodded, "anytime." Elsa went back to the castle with Jacob on her hip, "well baby, you want to try and speak for mama?" She sat on the couch with him, "alright, we will start easy. Okay?" Jacob nodded. "Yes." Jacob opened his mouth but no sound came out. "Try again baby. Say 'yes'." Jacob tried again, a small sound came out, but it was a squeak. Elsa smiled, "getting closer. One more time, 'yes'." Jacob smiled, "e-." Elsa smiled, "doing good baby, wanna try again?" Jacob nodded. "Alright, 'yes'." Jacob smiled, "-es." Elsa smiled, "thats very close baby. Good job. Can you say the beginning?" Jacob just smiled, "-es." Elsa hugged him, "very close Jacob. Good job." Sophie ran in, "come on Jacob, lets go play." He looked to Elsa and she smiled, "go on sweetie." They went to the ballroom to play, Sophie was taught at a younger age to be careful with her powers, so Elsa let them play like she and Anna used to. After a while they start a snowball fight and Jacob drags Elsa to his side. "Hey no fair." Sophie pouted. Jack walked in, "you guys having a snowball fight?" Sophie smiled, "daddy you're on my team." He smirked, "alright." They played for a while until one of Sophie's magic snowballs hit Jacob in the throat. "Ow!" He rubbed his throat. They all stopped and stared at him with wide eyes. He scratched his head, "what?" "J-Jacob, you're talking." Elsa smiled. He put his hand up to his throat, feeling the cold from the snowball still in his throat, "woah." They all stopped and hugged Jacob, happy that he finally was talking.

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