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Anna sighed, "i know Elsa, i know." Six months, Elsa has six more months of this 'torture' until she can come even close to feeling like herself again. "Want me to get Jack?" Elsa shook her head, "no, i just want you." Anna and Elsa are extremely close now, and Elsa only can get comfort from Anna. They have a special bond that is greater than any love in the world. Anna stayed in that position with her sister in her arms for a long time, she didnt want to move and upset Elsa. After a while Anna noticed Elsa had fallen asleep in her arms, she carefully laid her back in the bed and covered her up. Elsa woke up, seeing Anna leave, she teared up again. She didnt want to be alone, "A-Anna, dont g-go. Please." Anna came back and sat at Elsa's feet, "im just going to get Kristi, i'll be back. I promise." Just as she was about to leave again Kristoff came to the door with Kristi in his arms, "she wanted you Anna." She laid next to Elsa as Kristoff handed Anna their daughter. Anna started breastfeeding her baby girl and smiled at Elsa, "guess i wont have to leave after all." Elsa watched Anna feed her baby girl and smiled, "does it hurt at all?" Anna nodded, "a bit. It hurt a lot at first, but im getting used to it." Elsa smiled, "thats good. It will hurt the first month of doing that. Sometimes it doesnt even last that long." "How long did Jacob nurse?" Elsa thought a second, "hm, about ten months maybe. We kind of started weaning him off of it when i found out i was pregnant." Anna nodded, "ah. So it wont hurt more." Elsa slightly smiled, "exactly. It would hurt being pregnant AND nursing. So now he barely drinks milk now. It's mostly apple juice, then water at night." Anna smiled, "wow, so he rarely drinks milk now?" Elsa nodded, "right, he almost cant stand the taste of it for some reason." "Well thats good i guess." Elsa felt extremely sick all of a sudden and ran to the bathroom, throwing up violently. Anna finished feeding Kristi and ran to Elsa, rubbing her back softly, "it will be over soon Elsa, dont worry."

Elsa is six months pregnant now. The sicknesss has actually gotten worse and she is bedridden because of it. Her emotions are still all over the place but Anna stays by her side through it all, she somehow makes the pain go away. Elsa sighed in her sleep, finally feeling some comfort. Anna moved hair out of her face, "at least you can sleep soundly now." She went to rinse out Elsa's pan and rag and came back to her, still sleeping soundly. Jack walked in with Jacob, "he wanted to be with Elsa." Anna smiled, "youll have to be quiet sweetie, she just fell asleep." Jacob nodded, he still cant talk yet, he actually may never talk. Hes never shown signs of trying. Jacob walked over to Elsa and held her hand, kissing it softly. Jack smiled, "aw, youre so sweet Jacob." He picked him up, "lets let mommy sleep okay?" Jacob pointed to Anna. Jack smiled, "auntie Anna is watching over mommy to keep her happy. Okay?" Jacob nodded. As they left, Anna continued watching Elsa sleep peacefully. This is the longest shes seen Elsa sleep in a long time. Being queen, a mother, AND being six months pregnant, she never really gets a chance to sleep very long, so she's enjoying it. Hours later she finally wakes up, rubbing her eyes and stretching, "mnh, how long did i sleep?" Anna smiled, "six hours." Her eyes widened, "what?" Anna nodded, "youve been asleep for six hours. And i was with you the whole time." Elsa hugged Anna, "thank you." Anna smiled, "anytime Elsa, I'll always be here for you. No matter what."
Three months later and Elsa is in the medical wing of the castle. She has Jack and Anna by her side, holding her hands as she pushes. Hours pass and a little girl is born, as she is handed to Elsa, she notices a snowflake on her daughter's cheek. "She-she's like me." Jack smiled, "shes perfect." Kristoff walked in with Jacob, "he wanted to see the baby." Elsa motioned for Jacob to come closer, "come on baby, shes right here." Jacob walked over and Jack helped him up on the bed, "there you go buddy, now you can see better." Jacob looked at his new baby sister and smiled, taking her small, chubby hand in his. Elsa smiled, "aw, you love your new sissy?" He nodded with a smile. Elsa kissed his cheek, "want to give her a kiss?" He nodded again and leaned down to her face, kissing her nose softly. Anna smiled, "aww." Elsa looked to Jack, "you know, we're going to have to see if he CAN speak. If not, we have to teach him sign language." Jack sighed, "i know. I just hope he can, otherwise its going to be rough for him. Especially in the future when he becomes king."

A month passes and Jack has taught Jacob sign language. He's getting better at it as the days go by, but he's still showing no signs of talking, and he may never talk. Sophie is starting to smile and giggle at everything now. Jacob really wants to talk to her, but every time he tries, no sound comes out. So he tells Elsa when he wants to talk to Sophie, and she says what he signs to her. He can play peek a boo with her though, that requires no sound, and she bursts into laughter every time. That made him very happy knowing he could make her laugh without a voice. Elsa sighed as she watched Jacob, "Jack there has to be something we could do." Jack sighed, "i know how you feel honey, but he was most likely born mute. We cant do anything if thats the case, we just have to love him the way he is, whether he can speak or not." Elsa nodded, "you're right." Jacob yawned and Elsa brought him to her chest, "are you tired baby?" He nodded and Elsa got up, carrying him to the bed. They got him a toddler bed to go in their room so he could be closer to them, because the nearest bedroom to theirs is at the other end of the hall, and Elsa wants to keep an eye on him.

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