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(A month later)

It has been weeks since I found out that Luca was killed by Sebastián in the club a long side Ivan, Oliver and Lee. A whole month of being here because I was taken by him a long side Katana and Isabella which were now maids. I wasn't really aloud to be alone unless I was locked in the bedroom.

There have been a few times where I fought back which of course pissed him off enough to send me down into the basement cells again with a bruised face or body.

Katana would always bring down some food if I was aloud anything. We were never able to talk because one of his men would accompany her down here. But she would leave me notes as this was how we planned things.

We just needed some weapons and the only way to do that was to take some guards out first since they always walked around with them.

As you can tell I was down in the basement again because I talked back to Sebastián and of course he didn't like it. All because I didn't want to get out of bed today, I've been feeling so sick my stomach had been hurting and it's been making me throw up every morning for the past month since I've been here.

I hold my head in my hands as I am leaning against the wall this all reminds me of a few months ago being in a cell because of Diego and Rafael. Which happen to be dead now because I brought them to their deaths, I dropped their asses at the gates of Hell.

I feel like I am possessed by a demon or the devil himself because I never would have acted like this, I feel so weird it's not normal. My body is hot all the time, I barely sleep keeping an eye on my back making sure no one comes up behind me to kill me.

I heard his heavy footsteps before I even saw him standing there at the cell door.

"Are you going to behave now?" he asks I felt my hands turn into fists, standing up with wrath running through me. Angry and fury. He opens the door grabbing me by the arm and walking up to the stairs towards the dining room, I look through the windows seeing that it was dark. He slams my body into the chair next to him as the maids bring out the food for us to eat. I noticed that I didn't have a plate, but I never looked up at him I hated looking at him. I felt like slamming his face into the table multiple times. But I knew that wouldn't be good.

"You see Babygirl, if you misbehave you don't get dinner" he says as everyone starts to eat their food but all I heard was Babygirl and then I heard someone growling in my head, I knew my parents were still watching over me and I knew that it was my father who growled.

"Don't call me that" I mumble low so no one could hear me, but I was wrong Sebastian heard along with Esmeralda her cutlery fell from her hand as she stared at me.

"What did you just say?" Sebastian growled at me as he places his cutlery down on his plate.

"I said don't call me that" I looked him dead in the eyes this time calmly.

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