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A few months after Harry's leaving I moved with my parents in Reims (France).And since then I have no relationship with Rebeca. 


Morning rays that reach from my window waked me.Today is that day ... The day I'm moving to London with my BFF Lisa.We will buy an apartment there and find a job.We're going in few hours.I'm getting out of my bed and I am running to the bathroom to get ready on time.When I get showered I check did I packed all stuff's.Then I go down to have breakfast. "Morning, Mom." "Good morning, honey, are you ready? We will miss you."- "I am ready! And im gonna miss you too!!!! love you!!!" Then I said goodbye to my parents and went for my stuff's.When I went out in front of the house was Lisa waiting in her Porche. "Come on put your stuff's quick we will get late!!!"she said .I put my suitcase in the trunk and got in the car , then i said hi to Lisa and we have aded to the airport. 


When we walked out of the airport, Lisa called a taxi to come and get us.Taximan put our suitcases in in the trunk.Than someone pushed me and I fell to the floor, I opened my eyes and saw the boy who fell over me, it was a beautiful boy, with blue eyes and blond hair.That was Niall Horan, I couldn't believe that he is standing in front of me !!! He pushed me in the taxi and quickly shut the door. "Drive us as quickly as possible to the street (xxxx)," he said breathlessly and then turned to me "I'm sorry, I didn't saw you.I was runing from army of fans!!!" he said. "Never mind". When we finally arrived at his house, he invited us to go inside, but I did not want, did not want to see Harry!! 

"Sorry Niall, we can't come today, some other time," I said, and Lisa is about to burst with rage! 

Niall closed the door and then he gave me his phone number. 

When I got home I could not believe it,that Niall fell over me, that I was with him in the taxi.I took my phone and I wrote down his phone number. 

After I had rested from everything,Lisa and I went to the pool.After fantastic shaming in front of all the people who are watching us, we entered into our apartament.I take up my phone and I had twenty missed calls and three messages from Niall. 

       'Chloe  sorry for this today' 

       'Answer me please !!!' 

       'I'll see you at five, I come to you' 

How does he know where i live, he never came to see me !!!! I went to Lisa and told her that Niall comes in five.Lisa began to yell through the entire house to scream, to jump and run through apartament.I while it jumped around the apartment and shook the whole building, I finally calmed down and we started to prepare dinner for Niall's.

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