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Saint Helena was a beautiful place, and Napoleon wasn't shy of saying how he loved the view from his chambers and the rock he always would go to reflect.

He could go on and on about how the small island's view from his chamber's window was perfect. Or how the massive rock he loved to lean on and reflect at the edge of the cliff was relaxing.

And the grass that was greener every time he woke up to it. Or necessarily how the waves soothe his stomach pain for quite a time.

Everyone thought Napoleon would necessarily hate this place. He repeated saying how he loathed every second of staying in his rat-infested house in the middle of nowhere. And the locals also didn't seem to like his presence either.

But that's the beauty of the island, it gives Napoleon amply time to reflect. He keeps coming back to memories he repressed way long ago. A lot of the time, some of the memories seemed so blurry.

Reflecting was one of Napoleon's past times now. He had nothing to loathe but in his sadness that overcame him. He wanted a taste of his past when he was above everything. No one seemed to question why Napoleon was always on the damn rock anyway.

Was it probably a concern that he stayed there a way too often? Was he going to escape? Nobody knew. They regularly see the Emperor leaning against the rock with his quill and letter next to him. Taking a nap or simply looking out into the distance.

The view can get ruined sometimes of the many ships the patrolled the island. They already took notice of Napoleon's presence on that certain edge. Sir Hudson Lowe took notice at least.

Napoleon's reminiscing of the past played a part in the constant night terrors and sobbing he did when he sleeps. When Napoleon tried to recall any of the memories when he's awake they all seemed so blurry and just, forgettable.

Maybe that was partly due to his old age getting to him, but it's a different story when he goes to sleep. He remembers the time he first met the love of his life, Désirée. Oh, Désirée...

The dream he had last night was him and Désirée walking the streets of France talking about the Revolution when the two were young. It felt so real like he was actually in it. He even probably asked a bunch of questions about his future and Désirée would keep quiet about it.

In actuality, Désirée and Napoleon never got a happy ending. Of course, it didn't end up as planned. One thing leads to another and his soon be to be Wife was nothing but a lie.

He tried to forget her the most because she never really made an impact in his life other than the fact she was mostly his inspiration for a Romance Novel he decided against publishing.

But why did she appear in his dreams? Why not? Josephine- He couldn't bear talking about her at all. It puts more pain into his already never-ending suffering.

At the time of her death, he couldn't mourn for her long. He had a war he needed to win which never ended up happening.

Maybe at first, Josephine was Napoleon's last person he would say bye to. But once you lose someone, some parts of you break and regret every single action you never pursued to make their life worth living.


Napoleon didn't want to get out of bed at this point. He was heavily reflecting on his inner thoughts. He loved to do that a lot, but he was getting hungry. Was the stale food even worth getting up to anyway?

(DISCONTINUED) Run, Runned, RunningWhere stories live. Discover now