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***Harley's POV***

As I got out of my car on the school parking lot my best friend Jaimie came running over, I put on my black leather jacket and she hugged me as I locked my car, "I cant believe you're back! I'm so happy to see you" she squealed, I laughed and she said "so what was it like?", I shrugged and mumbled "fucking boring! I literally spent half of my time in my room sleeping", she laughed and said "they let you do that?", I laughed and said "ye, I mean juvie is nothing like the movies".

We walked up the path and as we walked in the front entrance a group of guys started chuckling at Jaimie, I looked to them then mumbled "why are they laughing?", she shrugged and said "I don't know, they're just guys I guess", I nodded and she quickly said "hey, I love your new hair, blonde totally suits you", I laughed and she added "and those boots, girl you know all the guys gonna swarm", I laughed and we walked through the big double doors that led to the student lounge and someone whispered something to her friend and as she shouted "oh my god that is not Harley Martin!?" everybody turned to look at me.

Jaimie laughed and I rolled my eyes before walking to a couch in the corner of the room, I sat down and as Jaimie sat down a tall bleach blonde Barbie looking girl walked over and mumbled "hey, Harley right?", I nodded and she said "what on earth are you doing with this weirdo, you should come sit with us", she pointed to her group of friends and I saw the upset look on Jaimie's face before I muttered "I'm good thanks". I pulled my water from my bag and the girl mumbled "seriously? you're gonna turn down popularity for this loser?", I rolled my eyes and muttered "why are you still here?", Jaimie hid her smirk with her hand and I took a sip of my water as the girl said "whatever, if you knew what was good for yourself then you'd ditch the loner. She'll only ruin your rep", I looked up at her and muttered "what are you still doing here? piss off Barbie", she looked shocked and as Jaimie chuckled she muttered "what are you laughing at tramp?", I instantly stood up and shoved her, she fell back onto the floor and I shouted "I'm warning you now bitch, leave my friend the fuck alone or I will personally kick your ass and make your life a living fucking nightmare!", Jaimie stood up and whispered "stop it you idiot!", I looked to her and she said "come on, we need to be at English in five minutes", I picked up my bag and followed her out of the room with everybody staring at us.

We walked up to the English corridor in silence until Jaimie said "Harley you cant be getting into fights and shit. You only just got out of juvie, I don't want you to go back there", I sighed and said "I know Jaimie, I know".

After our first 2 lessons we had a break, my second lesson was different to Jaimie's and when I met up with her after it she seemed upset, "what's up?" I asked as I sat down on a bench next to her in the school yard. She smiled a clearly fake smile then said "I'm good. How was your History lesson?", I shrugged and mumbled "I don't know, the teacher kept watching me", we both laughed and a group of guys appeared in front of us, I looked up and Jaimie sighed "what do you want Louis?", he shot her a dirty look and muttered "not you, that's for sure you're just the ugly girl who is only friends with the pretty one so that she feels good about herself. I mean not to say you're gonna die alone or anything, maybe if you just put like a paper bag over your head or something?", his friends all laughed and I placed my water on the bench before crossing my arms and looking up at him as I muttered "what an awesome guy you are", he looked at me confused and mumbled "who are you?". I ignored the question and said "were you not given enough attention as a child?", he looked at me confused and I muttered "did mummy not compliment your drawings? daddy didn't come to your football games?", he just stared at me confused as Jaimie and his friends all chuckled at him, I picked up my bag and muttered "stop walking around like a literal cliché fuckboy who thinks they can bully who they want", he looked utterly shocked as I muttered "walk your cliché ass away from me and stay the fuck away from my friend", I turned to Jaimie and mumbled "come on Jaimie", and she followed with a huge smirk on her face as I stormed off.

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