Chapter 2

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After about a week things started to progress, and Kacey only went to school 2days in that week. Only coming out for bathroom breaks.

And once a day for food. Now of course I was only 8 at the time but still.

I remember when mom sent me in there to check on her she was just staring at her screen, not even acknowledging I was there.

I can only give you a little bit of what doctors believed was going on in her head.

"I have to look prettier, I have to be skinnier, I can never so my face in school again until I'm gorgeous."

Oddly, later on doctors said that this was the mindset of most teens. But it was worse for my sister.

Why didn't my mom ever take her computer, tablet, and phone away you ask?

Well, the doctors also said that it was like a drug to my sister. They said that it would have a tremendous toll on her and her body.

And possibly, even death.

July 2012.
This had now been going on for years, my mom tried taking stuff away. But when she did, Kacey got sick.

So, we went to our first doctor. Who said that my sister immediately needed to be put in a mental institution.

Of course e decided to move on from the doctors beliefs.

August 2012.
We traveled to Michigan to visit another doctor in the month of August 2012.

Who said that we could put her on meds. So of course we thought what a better alternative to putting her in a mad house.

So we went home, to the medication. But unfortunately after several weeks of taking it, we were seeing no progress.

One of the bigger symptoms started in the car on our way back to the doctor in Michigan. And my sister said.

"No! Don't do that she doesn't deserve it!" Of course my mom and I were curious about this "outburst"

"What are you talking about sweetie?" My mom asked Kacey, "this movie,"she replied. "She doesn't deserve to go to the doctor, she just wants to fit in,"

And my sister repeated that all through the car ride, but it got worse when we arrived.

September 2012.
We pulled up to the clinic and started screaming no. She Cooperated, but she was still screaming no.

Almost like when in a horror movie your favorite character goes in to the haunted house but there's nothing you can do about it.

We walked her in and mentioned it to the doctor because she had stopped at that point.

To be continued....

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