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Description: he loved to sing, but joys in life were a curse to him
(you can expect no upper case from now on because I want it that way lol fight me)

his hobby was to sing.

he always wanted someone to hear his voice.

but it would only cause pain and sorrow.

seduction and beauty with a beautiful voice to hurt others was the job of his kind. they lure in people and watch them get led to their demise as a pastime.

he, though a siren as well, never had the intent to harm. he wanted to sing simply to sing. hearing thousands of songs in his head made him frustrated that that he couldn't open his lips

he'd swim off to hidden caves near the shoreline just in case if someone did hear him, they wouldn't be harmed. jimin would sing for days upon days anytime he could. it was as he found solace in his own voice

on a typical day, he swam down to the cave like always and began to sing. what he didn't know was the human sitting on a rock just a little further into the cave. the human followed the voice in a hypnotized trance until he came up behind the siren.

once jimin was done with his song, he turned around to climb off the rock to find the honey chocolate haired boy slowly coming back to reality. he gasped and fell, trying to hide himself. a loud thud echoed through the cave letting the other know jimin was trying to conceal his body.

he peeked around the rock to see the merman holding his head.

"hey, what's your name?" the boy squeaked out

"you aren't scared of me?"

"why would I have to be, you aren't trying to hurt me in any way, in fact, it seemed as though you didn't want me to see you" he tilted his head.

jimin knew that the humans living on land were aware of his existence as he was of theirs. he knew that sirens were described as cruel, vicious beings that had no remorse for the boy's kind. he was touched to see that someone out there didn't judge him immediately.

" name is jimin, what about yours?" he asked curiously.

"jeongguk, nice to meet you,"

"say, why are you in here jeongguk, especially when there are creatures like me here?"

"I usually come down here to listen to the ocean waves and find inspiration to create music. I accidentally hurt myself this time though, coming down," he gave a crooked smile.

jimin's heart skipped a beat. something about jeongguk's kind smile and energy made him feel like a human himself. like he had another purpose in life instead of just having a deadly voice.

"could I hear you sing? you have the voice of an angel, better than most sirens I hear," jeongguk asked hopefully.

jimin was shocked. he was never told his voice was beautiful nor having someone wanting to hear it. he was slowly falling in love with him, even though he barely knew the boy.

"I'm worried that I'll harm you though, sirens always lead humans to a demise in some way, and I don't want to hurt you," jimin said with a light whisper.

"you won't hurt me, just hold onto my hand and make sure nothing happens," jeongguk reassures.

jimin was hesitant, but decided to sing anyways. he took the coffee haired boy's hand and started to hum. halfway through the song, jeongguk's leg started to heal itself. jimin gasped as the last time something like this was heard of was when a human and siren were soulmates. the power of the siren's voice was no longer a curse but a way to heal.

jeongguk sat in silence. he stared at jimin realizing that they were meant to be. of course he loved the turquoise haired siren and wanted nothing but joy for him. but he couldn't offer that happiness as he was being betrothed to a lady royal that his parents wanted him to be with.

Ew I rushed the end, but I kinda like the concept.
It was supposed to be like how a sirens voice always hurts people until you can find a way to love a human. Their voice would no longer be used as a weapon but as a healing device. jeongguk would try to convince other humans and his parents that sirens weren't to be hated as jimin and jeongguk try to be together. I know sirens voices don't heal but this is my story lol so I don't care :))))

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