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Description: i was the gloomy night, and he was the shining light, but he helped me realize I was more than that.
(the guy is supposed to be our lil hopie but I never said his name so you could even interpret it as joon, whoever you want it to be lol)

it was as simple as that. i was the night. disliked for causing sadness anywhere i went. people simply avoided me because of how down i always seemed to be. no one would even bother to ask how i felt. outcasted is a good way of describing the feeling.

it was never intentional. in fact, i was cheery day to day, but my definition of happy wasn't the same as everyone else's apparently. i'd find myself looking out windows on rainy days listening to lo-fi music, writing in silence, or just daydreaming. i figured i won't need anyone else. as long as i can do what i liked, i didn't feel the need to search for validation that wasn't there.

a night out in the bustling city with my headphones in, the walk to a convenience store was silent in my head. i reached the store and thought about foods to buy.

'ramen sounds really good about now, but it doesn't look like they have the kimchi flavored cup. i'll just get spicy then. maybe some pocky and chips as a-'

"h-hello, could I ask a question?"

i was pulled out of my head. shocked, i looked at the man before me holding out two snacks with a shy awkward smile. i couldn't believe it. someone is asking me for something? i slide off my headphones.

"this is so stupid but, which one of these snacks would you prefer to eat?" in his left hand is a puffed rice bar and the latter is shrimp crackers. (change the food however you like)

"i'm trying to get snacks for a friend but I don't know which they would like more. i ask because they don't like many foods," he giggles softly.

"personally i like (insert food, I'm not your mom) more because everyone in my family loves them as well, i hope that helps," bowing slightly as he thanked me.

"hey, do you wanna hang out for a bit on the roof? i was gonna go chill up there myself for a few minutes but i prefer having a buddy" his smile was in the shape of a heart.

"uhm sure, but just to let you know, not many people like to be around me,"

"you can't be worse than my friend" he insisted. "he's perpetually grumpy but secretly wants to hold hands every second of the day. he can be hard to read,"

i smile to myself. sounds like something i would do. i agree to his request and walk to the rooftop to watch the city go by. the guy only sits next to me in silence as well. it wasn't awkward, not at all. the type of silence of where you just enjoy the feeling of the others presence, no need for words in a moment of peace. we sat feeling the wind blow through our hair and all of the bright lights throughout the entire city. after about 4 minutes of this, he pops a question.

"why do people not like you, if you don't mind me asking?"

i pondered in thought.

"i guess my interests just don't line up with theirs. people say the things i enjoy are mundane and too boring to do with anyone else, so no one bothers to invite me to parties or stick around me. i think some of them think i'm constantly sad too since i like the rain or sad songs and never smiling,"

"do you like smiling?"

"of course, i just hate the way my smile looks so i never show it,"

he stared at me empathically. an almost sad smile plastered on saying sorry without the words spilling out. he stared out at the cars passing by and said softly,

"you don't have to like the things others do. they make you happy don't they? who cares if they're mundane, if you feel content, that's all that matters right? honestly, i'd love to see what makes you happy. i just want to see you smile. your smile would be beautiful i know it, and don't forget it.

he looks up at the sky. the stars that shine out. even the moon was a full moon that evening. he pointed at it.

"just like the moon, you're in the dark, but that's where you're happiest. but it doesn't mean that you can't find your own light. you create joy in something others consider distasteful. and i think that's amazing,"

my mouth started to shape itself into a small smile. it was barely anything but i'm sure he saw it. he looked back at me and became shocked. slowly, the shock faded into joy, then into peace. we continued to sit in silence once again until his phone buzzed.

"ah, sorry, that's my friend. they must be wanting their food," he scratches his head awkwardly.

"here's if you ever want to hang out. i'll be your first friend then and i hope you'll be ok with that," he slips a piece of paper into my hand.

"yea, i'd really love that," i said earnestly.

he waves goodbye and i watch him leave without another word. i walk back home a little after his departure and fall back into my bed. deep in thought, i considered his words and realized that instead of just being a void of black, no feelings or anything, that i was just different. instead of the sunshine, i was the moonlight, and i loved everything about it.

Ew. this story felt sorta cliche and awkward and repeated a lot but whatever, just an idea anyways. also sorry for any errors or anything, I didn't edit 🤪🤪🤪
(there's a lot of i's skfjsjdj idk how to fix 😩)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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