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"You're sister is in my possession." he said.

"My what?!" I shouted as he began to walk towards me. "Did you just say that my sister is in your possession?" I kept on stepping backwards because he kept on stepping forward towards me. 

"Just as I exactly said it." he said huskily, showing off the smirk on his face.

"Stay where you are! Don't come any closer!" I shouted again as I feel him near me, more like one meter away. I can even smell his strong perfume which I'm fond of for quite some times. But now? His perfume reminds me of those bitter times. His perfume indicates me of some kind of trouble... that he's near me. "I said DON'T COME NEAR ME!" my voice hoarse, frightened of what he might do.

"Come on love, you know that I'm not gonna hurt you. I had never laid a finger on you, and never will I be able to hurt the only person that I love more than myself." he said like he's very genuine about it. 

It's creeping me out. He's so-called feelings towards me is very frightening. He’s not mentally stable, that's what I think of him. I kept on glancing everywhere, looking for a safe place to run, but there's none. I'm now trapped in a wall and I can't step forward, HECK! I can't even move. It feels like my feet are being glued to the ground. Then I felt my tears running down my cheeks. I didn't even know that I was crying the whole time. Each step he takes makes me sob even more. 

"Please. Don't come near me. Please!" I'm now begging, but he doesn't seem to care whether I'm scared of him or not, all he cares is the gap between us. He just keeps on walking towards me 'till he reached me. 

"Hush now my love. It breaks me to see you cry." he said, cupping my face with his large firm hands, then he hugged me so tight. 

"Ohhh. Please don't. Please stay away from me." still crying and trying my best to push him away. But he seems too strong; I can't even push him away from me. He's now kissing my head, my cheeks, and caressing my whole body, running his hands up and down to my body and I flinched in every touch he made towards me.

"Please. Stop! I'm begging you!” tears running down fast, heartbeats beating so fast I can't even hear my own voice. He captured my mouth with his mouth. I tried to gather all my strength to fight back, I tried to push him away, but he's too strong for me. And so, in a matter of time, I found a chance to slap him which I did without hesitation.

*slaaaaaap!* I can hear the sound of the slap echoes through the whole room. He stopped. Enrage from I did, he took a step back and stared glaringly at me. 

"Did you just slap me?!" he half-shouted. I flinched again upon hearing him raise his voice at me.

I said nothing. I stared at him, hoping that he'll not hurt me. Again, he moved back facing his back at me and started to throw all the things he sees in the room. Glasses shattering on the floor, broken vases and other furniture that he see. After some minutes, he stopped and again turned around to face me. When he caught me staring at him, I jerked away, afraid of him. 

"Okay, since you're all being too-hard-and-too-stubborn, we'll come to my terms." he said looking at me with angriness in his eyes. "You're sister is in my possession. And I will not let her go or rather set her free until you decided to marry me."

Did I just heard that one correctly?! He can't be kidding me. I wiped my tears and regain my posture upon hearing him say his terms. 

"What?! Are you trying to-"

"And don't even try to ask help from the police or any person at all because I’ll make sure that the moment the police starts to make an action towards this, your sister will no longer be breathing." he casually said, like it's so normal talking about threatening other people's lives.

"No. No. No. You can't do this to me. You can't force me into marrying you!" I said, shaking my head in disbelief, unable to gather all the things he just said.

"Try me. And anyways, you know how to contact me and where to find me." fixing his hair which I completely remember was very soft and had a very pleasant smell. Before I could even respond, he walked out into my house and glanced back at me. "I'm giving you 3 days to decide, you know I never liked waiting for long." and he completely walked out.  

 P.S Sorry if there are a lot of grammatical errors, English is not my mother tongue and I'm still learning. :) And if the story is kind of boring, pardon me; this is my first time writing one. ^^

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