Past II

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He sat down tapping his fingers at his table, staring at me, still standing in front of him. I’m feeling a little bit uncomfortable but I must not show any discomfort because my works depends on what he sees in me now.

“Mr. Black, I’m so sorry for being late. I’m not really like thi-.”

“Enough with the formalities and explanations.”

“But sir, I-“

For the second time, he cut me off. “You can call me Killian. And stop explaining, you’re not going to get terminated because you’re late at work.” Now, that’s a relief.

“Tha- Thank you sir.” I bowed again, showing my respect.



“Just call me Felix.”

“I, uh… uhhmmmm. Pardon me sir, but it’s a bit inappropriate for me to address you by your first name.”

“I’m not asking you to call me Killian, I’m ordering you.”

Now, that’s a bit weird. Why do I have to call him by his first name when he knows that he’s my boss? But, I obeyed anyways. “Okay sir- Killian.”

“That’s more like it.” And he smiled. A wide smile across his face was showing. But why?

“Excuse me sir… I mean Killian, but why did you have me here? I curiously asked, still standing in front of him.

Then he stood up from his chair, went to the window at stared in an open area. ”Good question Ms. Robbins. But can I call you Claire?”

I nodded.

“You see Claire, I’m new here. Everything in my surrounding is new. And I need some people who I can trust. And it so happens that you’re the only person here who I trust.”

Startled by his sudden honesty, I asked “Why me?”

“Anyways, I’m going to be straight forward here. I want you to be my assistant.” He said, leaving my question unanswered.

“No offense sir… Killian.” I said between confusion, still unsure whether to call him sir or Killian. “But I can’t be your assistant; I have some own works that I have to monitor.”

Now, turning his back at the window to face me, “You must have misunderstood me. You don’t literally have to be my assistant. You just have to report directly to me every day.”

Now, that’s really straight forward.  “But sir-“

“No but’s. No more questions. Just do as I say.” He flatly said. This person sure is very demanding. “You can move your things in your new office now”

“New office?” I have a new office?! What was that about?

“Oh. I forgot to tell you, your office shall be next to mine. And please stop calling me ‘SIR’, makes me feel like I’m very old.” And he went towards me to shake my hands. His grip is very tight. And it’s just now that I get to notice how tall he is and how handsome he is in this kind of distance. His smell is very pleasant too, very manly, and I can feel myself blushing for a moment in there. When we’re done shaking hands, he walked me to the door.


“You okay Claire?” asked Robin right after I I got in to my current office.

“Never been better.” I sarcastically said. “New boss’s is trying to make me his assistant. Well, not literally HIS assistant” emphasizing the word his, “… but he wants me to report directly at him. And even move my office next to him.

“That sounded bad. Anyways, here.” And he handed me some papers.

“What’s this?” I asked confused. “Didn’t I told you to clear my schedule for the whole afternoon?”

“That’s what I did, but minutes before you got back here, Mr. Black told me to clear your schedule, and I can’t say no to him. I think there’s something that he wants to do that involves your company.”  He’s now scratching his hair. “I’m really sorry Claire, I tried to reason out to him, but he insisted and I can’t do much to oppose him.”

“God! This day’s full of sudden things.” I sunk to my sit and gestured Robin to leave.

Good. Just good. Now what? What could this thing be that he wants me to do? Minutes later, I called Claudine to tell her everything and that I’m very sorry for canceling our diner. Fortunately, she understood. While trying to digest all the things that had just happened, the telephone suddenly rung which almost made me jump from my sit.

“Hello, this is Claire Robbins speaking.”

“Always very formal aren’t you?” the other person in the line said.

“May I ask who this is please?” I casually asked although I think I knew who the person is in the other line.

“This is Killian, Claire.”

“Oh. Sir, I’m sorry. What can I do for you?”

“I told you to call me Killian.” He sounds so demanding. No, he doesn’t sound demanding, HE IS DEMANDING.

“Pardon me sir, but it seems so wrong to call you Felix. It’s not very professional.” I said, trying to put some sense into him.

“Really, you don’t have to feel disrespectful about it.”

“I’m really sorry sir. But it’s more comfortable this way.”

“Okay. Whatever you said Ms. Very-Formal-All-The-Time.” He boringly said. I almost laughed from his tone; thankfully I was able to control my laughter. “Anyways, that’s not really the reason why I called. I want you to get ready for the next 15 minutes. We’re going somewhere.”


P.S. Past parts will probably be long. And updates might be wednesday or saturday, if some will take interest in reading this one anyways. :) 


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