21: A Convoluted Mess

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| | Hi! Just a quick note! Sorry this is way overdue! I really need to stop procrastinating. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

| | Dedicated to AlexNickole just because!

- KeithChristian

21: A Convoluted Mess

Sasako was never happier than tonight to get out of Izo’s car. She stomped her way out, planting each foot heavily on the pavement, Jiro being towed along behind her. Izo didn’t get out right away, instead, he watched Sasako pull Jiro into the house. She turned back and stared vehemently at Izo through the windshield for a moment, before she slammed the door shut. But it wasn’t Sasako’s death glare that bothered him. The quick glance Jiro sent him felt a little more than grating.

He knew he didn’t have to be affected by Jiro, but he had a bad feeling about him. Or was it only because he was Sasako’s boyfriend? So far, Jiro seemed to be a good guy. After all, it was perfectly normal for him to be the territorial puppy he was.

The ride on the Ferris wheel was a long, quiet one. Mostly with Jiro being possessive by how he held Sasako’s hand or how he sometimes held her waist. It was funny actually, and Izo tried not to laugh. Apparently, Sasako didn’t like being showy. Sasako would occasionally narrow her eyes at Jiro to signal him to stop and he would cringe every time. Izo was glad she was like that.

He made a small debate inside his head whether or not he should call Hideki. Deciding the former, he took out his cellphone and tapped on a speed dial.

“Izo,” called Hideki right away, his voice a bit panicky.

“You all right?”

“Y-yeah. I’m good. Just… a little busy.”


“Uh, sorry, Izo,” Hideki apologized, cutting him off. “I’m really busy.”

“You’re not even going to ask me what happened today?”

“Uh, well… It’s Mass Effect.”

Izo frowned and listened to the line. “It’s awfully quiet to sound like you’re playing any game.”

“It’s on mute! I won’t hear you otherwise!”

The high-pitched defensive tone in Hideki’s voice was a sure-fire way to know he was lying. Hideki usually gave himself away anyway.

“Lousy liar,” Izo snorted and then hung up without giving Hideki any chance for an awesomely lame retort. His eyes fell again at the door of Sasako’s house. It was a bit late and sooner or later, Jiro was going to have to go out and head on home.

It didn’t take a minute for Izo’s prediction to come true.

He felt a muscle tighten when Sasako planted a kiss on Jiro’s cheek, not at all surprised at how his body was reacting. He felt defeated more than he’d like to admit, but it was not in his nature to give up.

He was still lost in thought that he didn’t realize Jiro was knocking on his window.

Now that’s a little insulting, puppy, thought Izo with an arched eyebrow. He didn’t like his Mulsanne being touched. Well, he didn’t like his Mulsanne being touched by Jiro.

Jiro side-stepped and almost fell out of balance when Izo opened the door to climb out of the car.

Izo stood tall, towering over him a good four inches. Hideki’s height. Small puppy.

“Is there any reason why you’re still here?” Jiro asked.

Izo’s brows scrunched up at the question.

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