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Before Israel turned the chips on, a Russian man named Vladislav (Владислав) came up with a theory/conspiracy that the chips would not unlock the human brain but would rather take over it and convinced the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) that it may be true, so they sent spies to retrieve one of the chips so that they could study it. Prestige Russian scientists, software engineers, neurologists and doctors studied the chip for two months and came up with the conclusion that Vladislav might be right because when tested on animals they stopped moving, as if it was waiting for an order but it wasn't enough evidence so they made a device that could control the chip and, unfortunately, it was true. The Russian government tried to let the Americans know about this but they wouldn't listen, they thought that they didn't want them to become super humans.
Everyone was scared, if Israel controlled the Americans that meant they would also control their army and their armament, it meant that they would have the power to take over the galaxy and all of humanity. Luckily, a very secret project was being worked on during that time, they called it "Dver" which means door, and as any other door, it would lead to a "room" inside a "house," this time, the house was the multiverse, the door a portal and the room a universe. They knew they couldn't stay longer. Hours before the Americans were turned into slaves, the Russians left the universe and took all the other Slavic nations with them.

China, Brazil and the UK did the same.

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