3. Be mine

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Two days later, Ava and Connor's house

'Connor, are you ready.' Ava asks as she finishes her first cup of coffee in the morning. 

'Yeah, I am coming!' Connor's voice comes out from the bedroom.

'Hurry, we are going to be late!' Ava says. She walks towards the door and puts her shoes on.

Two minutes later, Connor comes out and he quickly puts his shoes on. They walk down to the parking lot and drive to med.

In the car

'Avey, I am going to get a drink with the boys tonight. You can drive home first and the boys will drop me off after.' Connor breaks the silence in the car.

'I was planning to make dinner. Guess I don't need to worry about that now.' Ava shrugs her shoulders.

'Ava, I am sorry. I should tell you yesterday, but we got, um... busy.' Connor apologizes.

'Connor, that's all right. I am not that kind of girlfriend that won't let their boyfriend going out to have fun.' Ava smiles at Connor.

'I know, and I love you' Connor says as he parks the car.

'You boys have fun tonight. And I love you too.' Ava gets out of the car.

'Since I am on trauma today, why don't we go get a coffee together before the shift start.' Connor suggests.

'Let's go, Dr Vanilla Latte.' Ava chuckles.


Ava goes down to the ED and looks for Connor, but he is nowhere to be found. 

'Maggie, have you seen Connor?' Ava found Maggie working on the computer.

'Sorry, Ava, I haven't seen him.' Maggie says.

The truth is Maggie know exactly where Connor is. However, an hour ago, Connor came to tell her that he has a plan for something and if Ava comes to find him, just tell her that she doesn't know.

'Where is he?' Ava mumbling to herself.

She looks around the ED, not only Connor, Will, Ethan and Natalie, they are all missing. Everyone she knows is not in the ED, she turns back around and realised Maggie is gone too. Then her pager goes off. It is Dr Latham, there is an emergency, so she runs back up to the CT floor. After the emergency surgery, Ava is pulled into a surgery that was scheduled.

Six hours later

The patient is finally stable and Ava is free again. She feels a buzzing from her pocket, it's her phone. She got a message from Natalie.


'Hey, Ava! Something happened to Connor, come up to the open area, STAT!' 

Natalie message sound so urgent, Ava starts running to the elevator and press the up button like crazy. 

It is nearly 7 pm in Chicago, it is pitch black outside. Ava comes up to the open area and she can't see anything because it is so dark. 

Suddenly, there are small lights, lighted up a pathway. Ava follows the path and not for long, she sees Connor at the end of the path. 

Connor is wearing a suit. He has red roses in his hands and looking at Ava smiling.

Ava was going to walk towards him but she got pull away. She realised the girls, Nat, April and Maggies, they took her to a private space. Then they put her into a breathtaking white dress. Ava was surprised how fast they got her into the outfit. The girls push her out on the path again after they finished.

Connor picked the dress out himself but Ava looks even more beautiful than he imagines her in it. 

'Connor, what's happening?' Ava starts to get nervous.

Connor grabs both of her hand and cleans his throat 'The moment that we met, we think each other as the enemy'. 

'Yes, I remember you said you don't think we won't be working together. ' Ava smile.

'But look at where we are now?' Connor grins

'Everyone said that we are the perfect couple. I never knew that I could love someone so much. You lighten up my whole world. My life is better because you are in it. You are the best thing happen in my life. I love you more than anything. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I don't want to let you go, never ever. Would you make me the happiest man ever.' Connor says as he takes a step and kneels. 

'Ava Bekker, will you marry me?' He says as he pulls out the ring from his pocket.

Ava is speechless, there is tear in her beautiful eyes and she covers her mouth with her hands try not to cry. She takes a deep breath and nods.

'Yes, I will be honoured to marry you, Connor Rhode!' She lets out of her emotion and puts her left hand out.

Connor puts the ring on her ring finger and he stands up. They hug each other and then start a long kiss. 

'Congratulations!' The whole area is light up, Ava and Connor are surrounded by their friends. 

They ended the kiss and look around but not for long their eyes are back on each other. 

'Did you planned all these?' Ava pokes Connor's chest.

'Be mine, Avey!' Connor holds her even harder.

'I thought I am already am?' She raises her left hand.

'I love you!' Connor kisses her on the forehead.

'I love you too!' Ava smiles.

Ten minutes later

'Congratulation, Ava!' Natalie gives her a hug.

'Thank you, Nat!' Ava hugs back.

'Happily ever after?' April says.

'Connor is the one.' Ava answer as she looks toward Connor. Connor felt that she is looking at him, so he winks at her.

The night in Chicago is cold, but up here, it is warm because of love, from lovers, families and friend. 

One week later 

Ava got a message from Natalie.


'Hey, Ava. I have a question.'


'What's that, Nat?'


'Do you have a maid of honour and bridesmaids yet?'


'Yes, I do. The maid of honour it's you! And the bridesmaids are Maggie, April and a few friends back in South Africa'


'Really? Thank you!'

Ava :

'You are my best friend here. Of course, it's you. But don't get too happy just yet, I will need a lot of help from you girls.'


'You got it, sister! Ladies, we have a wedding to plan for and a bride to prepare!'

Guess What? I love you! - Hey, my love!Where stories live. Discover now