6. Down the aisle

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Wedding day, Ava and Connor's House

It is busy in this house. There are people walking around. the smell of makeup and hair spray is all around the room.

'Oh my god, I am so nervous.' Ava is sitting on a chair, the makeup artist just finishes doing her makeup.

'Ava, breath!' Natalie is sitting next to her and says.

'What if I trip walking down the aisle, that would be so embarrassing.' Ava's eyes are full of worry.

'No, you won't, you will be fine.' Maggie's voice comes from the back. 

'What if I...' Ava is still pretty anxious. 

'Hey, Ava, listen to me!' Natalie stops Ava before she finishes the sentence. She grabs her shoulder, 'You will be fine, and now, I need you to breathe!'

Ava nods and tries to calm herself down.

'Breath in... Breath out... Breath in... Breath out...' Natalie guides Ava's breathing with her voice.

'Thank you, I am feeling much better now.' Ava looks at Natalie and said.

'Just relax, I believe Connor feels the same now.' Natalie smiles.

The girls continue preparing, the room looks a bit chaotic but everything is in control.

Natalie and Will's House

The boys are also getting ready too. Will is helping Owen to get dress, Ethan is ready to go and helping Connor. 

'Oh, man, today is the day.' Connor let out a long breathe.

'Are you ready?' Ethan looks at Connor.

'Yeah, but I am still a bit shaken up.' Connor is excited but also nervous.

Will gets his phone out and sees a message comes from Natalie.


'How are you guys doing.'


'Fine, just I think the groom is a bit nervous.'


'Same with the bride.'


'We will be leaving in 10. See you there, love you!'


'Yep, see you later, love you too.'

20 minutes later

Everyone is here. The ceremony is starting. Connor is standing at the end of the aisle. He is wearing a white tuxedo with a white bowtie. He looks extremely handsome today according to the boys. 

The classic music starts and everyone stands up to look at the beginning of the aisle. April is the first to walk down, then it is Maggie and lastly Natalie. 

Ava appears at the end of the aisle. She looks like a goddess, taking everyone breath away. Owen is holding the end of her veil. She slowly walks towards Connor. By now, you can see the happiness in her eyes instead of nervous. 

Connor is completely blown away by her beauty. He is now feeling the luckiest guy in this world. Not for long, Ava completes her entrance. She is now standing next to Connor.

'Friends and families, we are gathered here today to celebrate the very special love between Ava Bekker and Connor Rhodes, by joining them in marriage...' The officiant says.

While the officiant saying the routine words. Ava and Connor just can't look away from each other. 

'Marriage is going to expand you as individuals, define you as a couple, and deepen your love for one another. To be successful, you will need strength, courage, patience and a really good sense of humour. So, let your marriage be a time of waking each morning and falling in love with each other all over again.' The officiant finishes. 'Now it is the time for the couple to exchange vows.'

Connor cleans his throat.

'Ava, when we first met, I never imagined this day would come, but now that we are here I couldn't have imagined choosing anyone else but you to go through life's journey with. I love your laugh, your smile, your caring nature and that face you make when something is so cute, you just have to squeeze it. I promise to support you, to honour you and to love you unconditionally, even when we may disagree on something. Like surgical plans that we apply to the patient. I can't imagine where I would be without you, and I cannot wait to continue this crazy journey with you by my side, I love you."

Ava already had tears in her eyes. She takes a deep breath.

'Connor, I promise to always remember that you are indeed human. That you may sometimes make questionable decisions, decisions I don't agree with, like going to the cath-lab instead of opening the patient up. But today, I promise to show that same care and consideration for you for the rest of my life. Right now, it's the easiest thing in the world to do because I honestly love you so much, but even when things are difficult and it gets hard to do and our love gets more comfortable, complacent and timeworn, I will always show that same care and consideration for you.' 

Their words bring everyone to tear. 

'Now, Connor Rhodes, do you take Ava Bekker as your beloved wife, to honour and care for the rest of your life?

'I do.' Connor's eyes look at Avas' with love.

'Ava Bekker, do you take Connor Rhodes as your beloved husband, to honour and care for the rest of your life?'

'I do.' Ava smiles at Connor.

'Now, please exchange the rings.'

Owen walks towards them with two rings resting on a small tray. Connor takes Ava's left hand and put the ring on carefully on her ring finger. Ava did the same. 

'Now, I announce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.'

Connor and Ava's lips meet in the middle. The kiss is beautiful. All the guests stand up again a clap. 

Their kiss is passionate and last for about a minute. They break apart but their forehead still attached to each other.

'Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce, Ava and Connor Rhodes!' The officiant announces with his arms in the air.

'Congratulations! Mr Rhodes.' Ava says with a smile on her gorgeous face.

'Congratulations to you too, Mrs Rhodes!' Connor grins.

The celebration is massive. Everyone is having a good time. Ava and Connor just can't keep their eyes on anything else but each other. This day will be a day that they will remember forever. In the morning, they are still two individual and tonight they are one.

Time flys and the night is about to end. However, a brand new journey just started for Ava and Connor.

Dear reader, I was caught up with a lot of things lately, and my uni is officially started. I made myself a rule at the beginning, post one chapter a day. And since my uni has started, my update will not be as regularly as before. I will try to catch up on Saturday and Sunday. If possible, I may post two chapters in one day. (e.g. there is no new chapter on Thursday but  I will post two on Friday, which may happen this week.) I really appreciate your support to my fanfic and my deepest apologies. 

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