17. Her palace

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Ava and Connor's house

It is a day that Connor has a day off. They are now staring at a room full of boxes and paint tins. It is Athena's room, which they have to finish it soon before their baby girl arrives. 

'I will paint the wall first, then I will put up the crib and the rest of the furniture.' Connor starts moving the big boxes out. 

'What am I doing then?' Ava asks. She feels like Connor is going to do everything and she wants to be a part of it.

'Why don't you sort out her clothes so they can be put in when the closest is ready.' Connor puts down one of the boxes on the floor.

'I had been doing that since forever. I want to help you to paint the room and put everything up.' Ava grabs Connor arm and she looks at him like a kid asking for candy. 

'Ava, it is a lot of work and you fainted twice during your pregnancy.' Connor doesn't want her to do any hard work. 

'Connor~, I had been going to fitness classes and I rest a lot. Please...' Ava starts swinging his arm. 

'Fine, but you can only do the bottom bit, or you can only help me holding the paint.' Connor makes rules.

'OK, whatever you said, darling.' Ava still wants to do more than that, but she knows her body is not in the best stage.

After Connor move all the boxes out, Ava opens the paint and gets all the brushes. Connor lays down a layer of newspaper on the floor, then Ava starts painting. They are going to make her room white with little pink details. 

30 minutes later.

Ava finished painting the bottom half of the room. She hands the brush to Connor and then watches him painting the top half. Not for long, Ava gets bored, so she walks out of the room. Connor thought that she went out for a sit down until he heard a loud 'Bang'.

'Ava!' He quickly gets down from the ladder and runs out of the room. 

'I am fine, I just tried to move this, well, apparently I fail.' Ava shrugs.

'You are not supposed to move anything!' Connor yells at her.

Ava froze a bit, then she realises that Connor is actually angry at her. She didn't say anything back to him, drops her head down and sits down on the couch silently. Connor on the other hand, just realised what he did. He couldn't believe that he just yelled at her and all she tried to do was to help. He sits down next to her and saw there is tear coming down of Ava's face. 

'Ava, I am sorry, I shouldn't be that loud.' Connor starts to panic because he knows that Ava is strong and she doesn't usually cry. 

There are no answers from Ava but she wipes her face with her hand. 

'Babe, I didn't mean to yell at you.' Connor knees down on the floor in front of her. He cups her face in his hand. 

'I just wanted to help.' Ava speaks very quietly. She does know why Connor is so angry, she scared him twice before. He is worried that's all. 

'I know, but Athena still need you to protect her and it is my job to protect you.' Connor looks her in the eyes. 

Ava smiles and suddenly she feels a little kick, then follows by the feeling that the baby is stretching inside of her.

'Looks like someone agrees with you.' Ava lays back on the couch and put one hand on her belly. 

Connor puts his head on her baby bump and kisses it. 'Thank you.' He whispers. 

'What are you two talking about?' Ava tiles her head.

'It is our little secret.' Connor smiles. 

'You are going to spoil her so much.' Ava puts a finger on his head and pushes his head away. What Ava doesn't know it, how much she is going to love her little girl in the future. 

10 minute later 

After a small rest, Connor and Ava are getting busy again. Connor puts the drawer up first so Ava can put the little clothes in it. Ava just finishes putting the clothes in and she is helping Connor with the crib.  

They finish everything just before dinner time. They order Chinese because they were so tired after they put the room together. 

'She is going to love it.' Connor cuddling Ava and leans again the door.

'It is perfect.' Ava smile at him.

'She is perfect.' Connor kisses her on her temple and puts one hand on her belly. 

They turn the light off and close the door. Ava heads to shower and Connor just waiting for the food. Not for long the food arrives, Connor puts it in plates and goes to get Ava in their bedroom. 

Ava only has a silky robe on, thank the fitness classes she did, her legs are still long and slim, the only thing that grows was her belly. Connor could not move his eyes away from her. He wanted to just take her to bed, but considering she is pregnant and she needs to eat, he stops that thought for a minute. 

After dinner, Connor goes to shower and Ava is reading a book on the bed. When Connor comes out, she still in her silk robe and the yellow night light just make everything nice and warm. It's been so long since the last time they have a steamy night. 

'You look beautiful.' Connor climbs on the other side of the bed. 

'Connor...' Before Ava can say anything, Connor already capture her lips and they share a passionate kiss. 

'I love you!' Connor pulls away from her face. 

'I love you too.' Ava smiles. 

Connor kisses her forehead and all the way down to her chest, then the baby bump. 

'I love you too, sweetheart.' He whispers.

There is love in the air, there is passion in the room, the night is beautiful... 

Guess What? I love you! - Hey, my love!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora