One Other***

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Okay so I was talking to my friend and he asked "if you were stuck on earth with only one other person,  who would it be" and I had to choose from all my favourite fandoms.  It came down to this,  and every time I enter a new fandom I will edit this lol.

Okay so Popee is out, he'd want to kill me.
Papi is out, he'd kill himself.
Kedamono would freak out so he's out.
Yumi would be confused so no.
Paris would feel bad for me and would be hot so maybe.
Wilford wouldn't be able to take it so he'd kill me, then kill himself.
Dark would mess with my mind so no.
Google,  I don't like him so he's out.
Afro™ Ego would kill himself,  but have fun doing it.
Anti is a fucking glitch bitch so he's out.
Jackaboy Man is too hyper so ehhh.
Slappy is dum. Please don't @ me.
Black Hat is evil and would try to kill me so he's out.
Denencia is creepy and would try to eat me so she's out.
505 is a dumb bear.
Dr Flug is a scientist so maybe,
Cecil has a smexy voice so maybe.
Carlos is a scientist so maybe. 
Kevin would pray to the smiling god and embrace death,  and or try to kill or sacrifice me.
Theuden is smol.
Jae is bae so maybe.
Johan is too depressing so no.
Johan is a hot vampire, but also depressing.
Daniel is too perfect,  he'd annoy me.
Daniel is a creepy cult leader so non.
Jack is blind so he's useless.
Jeff would try to kill me.
Virgil's a depressed bitch so he's out.
Roman's an egotistical bitch so he's out.
Patton's a dumb crybaby bitch so he's out. 
Logan would think about the logical thing to do,  so maybe.
Edd only cares about cola so he's out.
Matt only cares about himself so he's out.
Tom only cares about Smirnoff so he's out.
And Tord is fucking psycho so he's out too.

Now that we've got those out of the way,  who's left?
Cecil,  Carlos,  Dr Flug, Logan, Jae and Paris. 

Jae is too quiet,  I would need to be able to talk and stuff so he's out I guess..
Flug wears a bag for a mask and he's too nervous. He always thinks about negative aspects first and has little self confidence,  plus the fact that his projects never work right.  He would get annoying so he's out. 
Logan is smart,  but he's too uptight.  He would break under the stress of what to do and would blame it on me out of blind panic.  I would not be able to trust him because he would want to work alone and would believe that I am no use for him.  He would argue and cause unnecessary stress levels so he's out. 
As much of a smexy boyo he is,  I don't think that Paris would be the best in this situation because even if he would provide protection and good company,  he wouldn't know what to do in the situation very well and may as well just accept his death than try to find a way to fix the problem.  So I guess he's out..
Okay so without Dr Flug, Logan and Paris, we now have the Stars of Welcome to Night Vale,  Cecil Palmer and Carlos the Scientist. 
Okay so cecil is probably some celestial being who has cannonly lived at least a few centuries and has dealt through the wars and other weird jazz that has happened in Nightvale before,  so eh..  He's strong,  caring,  and he seems like he would be a good candidate to stay,  however I don't think he'd know what to do in the situation.  He would rather believe that the world would eventually fix itself,  or that we are doomed and he would also accept death.  But in a comical way so..  Big oof.  I also believe that he would give me support, and blindly go with whatever I'd have to say and offer to fix our situation, but wouldn't give any good input himself.  He is smart in a lot of ways,  but not in the ways required to understand what was going on and what needs ro be done to save the world.  He was made to be a radio host in a small town and not some person to save the world.
So who does that leave us with? Carlos.
Carlos is cannonly autistic in one way or another, he is a genius, yes,  but he doesn't like to be touched with would make it hard for me because I would need hugs and stuff for physical comfort in the spoopy times of the end of the world.  Carlos is distant when he does his work, which is something that I would find disappointing and slightly annoying because if we were the only two left on earth I'd want to have like.. Social interaction 24/7.  He likes to talk,  but only when he likes to talk you know? He'd go days working on his projects and would probably ignore me entirely at some point of time and that would totally trigger me.  However,  he does have a chipper attitude under certain conditions and I believe he would probably try to keep in high spirits and understand that this is a stressful time and would try to stay positive.  I believe he would do science stuffs and try to figure out the cause of our situation and that he would attempt to fix it,  probably successfully? Since I am with Carlos in this I would assume I'd also be in a world resembling his own universe,  the one with NightVale, and that he would be more experienced in his work and understanding of the world. 
Yeah basically,  that's where this convo lead me.

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