Dumb rant**

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Last night before bed I had mentally planned the outfit I was going to wear today,  but I forgot to check to see if all the pieces to the outfit were even there to begin with.  So this morning I woke up and went to get the shirt that I was going to wear and then I went to get the pants and I realized they were in the dirty laundry and so I panicked,  but I still thought that I had time to wash the pants if I could hand wash them and then put them in the dryer.  And so I did that and then took a shower that was a bit longer than I had expected because I really like the water and I just kinda forgot about time and stuff.  So I get out of the shower and dry off and then I put on my robe and went to get my pants out of the dryer and THEY WEREN'T DRY! So and I was like *well crap* and so I decided I'd have to change my entire idea for an outfit,  and I only had about fifteen minutes to do that because we had to leave by seven.  But the problem was that all my freaking clothes are dirty because I took all the fashionable and comfortable ones with me when I went to Italy.  And so here I am,  tossing shirts and other clothes out of my drawers trying to find at least one outfit I can wear and I just CAN'T! Because everything I find is rather too small for me or uncomfortable.  I'm extremely hyper sensitive and sometimes even the slightest most hidden seam in a pair of freaking socks can bother the hell out of me. And so I decide that I can just wear one of the shirts I didn't get too terribly dirty in italy and a pair of skinny jeans I found but I try the outfit and it looks hella okay on me,  but the pants feel way to small for me today and so I have to change out if them but the only other pants I have are my grey dress pants and they definitely DON'T match at all with my fleece long sleeve crop top and so I have to change the shirt then and none of my shirts are comfortable today either and then my mom shouts at me from the other side of the house and is like "iM LEAVING HALI,  BYE." And I'm like *well craaaaaaaaaaap* and so I grab the closest hoodie near me which is my pastel hoodie which matches,  but the seams on it bother me today and I throw that on and I rush to the front door but I'm not wearing socks and by this time mom is waiting for me in the car and I'm so stressed out. And I know I just CAN NOT wear my pastel hoodie today so I rush to get the only thing I KNOW will feel okay today,  which is the turtleneck I'm currently wearing, and I quickly put on my socks and shoes and I rush out the door and get in the car but my hair is a mess and my nose and cheeks are all red because I'm so flustered and I can't do anything about it because I didn't have any time to out my makeup on and mom keeps stressing about how late we are and it's so annoying. But then I realise I didn't have my phone on me which is something I really need and so I run back inside and I can't find it and so my stress levels rise even more and I'm so panicked and then I remember it's under the covers in my room,  which is dumb, but I get it and then go back to the car and by this time were like ten minutes late for school and its all because of me and so I'm sitting here biting my knuckles and blaming myself for mom potentially being fired because her boss told her she'll get fired if she's late again and I just feel awful.  So we start driving and I realize I'm super hungry and that doesn't help me at alllll.  However,  I managed to calm down after a while and now I have coffee and donuts and I'm fine now.

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