Most Likely to Have An Ulterior Motive

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And I just want to know how you're doing... Both of you, but here I am, sitting in my studio and wondering how the fuck I could have left. She's five years old by this point and I can't believe I've missed out on so much because I was too scared to be there for you.

Chloe, I'm not everything you need. I'm not close anymore to the person you thought I'd be. And I'm so terribly sorry that I'm a poor excuse for a decent human being.

I wanted to be there... After I had left, but I couldn't face you. I still don't know if I can. But I'm holding on to hope that one day, you'll forgive me. I know it seems ridiculous, but I can dream, right? I'm so sorry for everything, Chlo... I love you, but I don't think that matters anymore.'

Chloe rubs her eyes with the back of her hands as the video fades out. She had tried spending her week not thinking about Beca, but she was failing miserably. After seeing that Beca was a perfectly capable parent to Cassidy and after Beca had been so considerate about her boundaries with their daughter, Chloe couldn't fight it off anymore. Beca was constantly on Chloe's mind.

And it didn't help that Beca was practically all Cassidy ever talked about. Not that she was upset that Cassidy constantly raved about her other mother, because she was happy that she and Beca are building a good relationship: but that relationship between her ex and their daughter was making it extremely hard for Chloe not to think of Beca in the way she was.

Chloe had wished for this day to come for ten years, where Beca was back to her old, caring self. And it scared the living shit out of her, feeling the things that she felt for Beca so many years ago resurface. Because yes, Chloe was still hurt by Beca's actions and what had happened a decade ago, but she also felt a weight lifted off of her shoulders when Beca truthfully told her that she tried to call. Because that meant that even after two years, Beca still cared and only stopped trying when Stacie told her to.

Which Chloe finally talked to Stacie about: the whole not telling her Beca called. At first, she was angry at the tall brunette for keeping such a vital piece of information away from her. She then lightened up and realized that it was also her fault that Stacie had told Beca the things she did. She thinks back and wonders what would have happened if she had been the one to answer the call. What would Beca have said to change her mind? Would Beca had tried harder instead of giving up because of something Chloe said out of anger?

While Chloe doesn't know the answers to those questions, she knows how she feels now. She's almost to the point where she's forgiven Beca for the mistakes she made when she was young and a teenager, and she feels obligated to forgive Beca for never contacting her; given the situation.

But Chloe knows that fully forgiving Beca can cause a lot of emotions to flood through her veins like rainwater. She knows that she'll let her guard down and that Beca could potentially take advantage of that. Not that she thinks Beca's a bad person, she's already proven over the past month that she's not. But when it came to Chloe's heart, her brain is still not sure about what kind of person Beca is; but it had a hunch.

Chloe had been at Franklin Elementary School for 30 minutes waiting for Cassidy's game when Claire shows up, which sends Chloe into an instant panic. She hadn't told her sister that Beca was showing up to the game, let alone that Beca and Cassidy were practically attached at the hip. She knew that her sister harbored extreme dislike towards her ex and one could predict that Claire seeing Beca would only cause a fight.

Thankfully, Claire's too wrapped up in talking about her business trip that she doesn't even realize that Chloe's constantly looking into the parking lot, waiting for Beca's arrival. The short brunette had texted her thirty minutes ago saying that she was leaving and still hadn't shown up; knowing that Beca only lived ten minutes away. She's hoping that Beca's just stuck in weekend traffic on the 405 and not bailing on her, but currently, her mind was on the latter.

Most Likely ToOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora