Prologue 1.1 - arrival

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On a train to the town where the harbor is. A child was was playing around as Shifty was looking at the child as the mother said as she felt concern, please forgive my child...I hope his antics don't disturb you sir... Shifty said, mam...I have a little brother at it's no bother to me... on another cart Lapis and Toothy (Timothy) we're sitting across from each other. He looked at Lapis and said, pretty weather we're having...*sees her* you on holiday? Lapis said, no...not really. On another cart Petunia (Rosy) was looking at Flippy dreaming of Flaky once more as he said in his sleep, oh...Flaky.. snoring before waking up to a confused bit provoked Rosy... he said as he looked at her with apologetic eyes, oh...I'm terribly sorry mam.. Rosy said, I'm a miss. Flippy said, oh...alright apologize miss... the on the last cart Dim was checking the guess list as he checks out each name as he wonders to himself, normally the servants are the guilty ones...they always have been guilty from the beginning...well not always...but my money is focused on the servants.. on the open road Sniffles was driving towards the lolli-vile pier. Sniffles said to himself, sheesh...has anyone else been invited?...*sees Nutty driving like a crazed maniac* OH FUCKING SHIT!!!...*sighs annoyingly and stressfully* sheesh no sanity in thug guy? Later when he arrived...he sees Lapis, Toothy, Rosy, Shifty, Flippy, and Dim. Then Captain Russel (who became a Harpermaster) walks to them and said, yargh...Mattie's...glad to see ya doing alright. Flippy said, you as well Russel... Russel then said, her things are already at the boat...*turns to August who was walking to them* Dim thought as he was shocked to see him, no has to be Kim. Russel said, yee all set lad? August said, yes sir..


Russel was waiting for Kim to get here before seeing August and said, yargh...what yee be doing here? August said, I came as a substitute for my sister. Russel said, and who she be? August said, Kim.. Russel said as he realizes, yee must be Kim's brother...I see the resemblance of she...lad...argh she be telling me about yee be here to substitute for yee sissy lad? August nodded.


August said, that everyone? Nutty said as he raises his hand, no...we're still on one more...


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