Chapter 1 - Intrigued.

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2 minutes and 12 seconds. That was all that was left in the game. The Nottingham Knights were about to win their first home game of the new season. I had just finished my ice skating lessons and watched on as the Knights played their hockey match. The arena was my home and Ice hockey was my favourite sport. The buzzer sounded and the Knights had scored, bringing the score to 8-2 to the Knights.

'Hey Caitlyn, what are you doing at the Knights game?' It was Elsa. My closest friend from the arena. She was dressed in her purple figure skating leotard and waiting for the Jesters to finish so she and her figure skating class could take to the ice. Elsa was an amazing skater and she had been having figure skating lessons since she was 4 years old. Her Boyfriend, Brad Johnson, played in number 12 for Nottingham and they made an adorable couple.

'Hey! Ive just been skating on the other rink, we had our grading today with the skating lessons,' I replied, greeting her with a quick hug before turning my eyes back to the game. The lights flashed as the puck hit the back of the net, and it was another goal to the Knights. The numbers of the players who scored and assisted flashed up onto the score board.

'Look Elsa, Brad assisted that goal,' I said, Gesturing toward the score board. She smiled excitedly.

'Thats my boy!' She sqeeked, jumping into the arms of her hockey player boyfriend as the team stepped off the Ice. The team stumbled off the ice, aching but all hyped and full of energy from their victory. I looked back towards the ice and there was only one player left on the ice. Number 7. He collected the puck and handed it to the coach before finally leaving the ice. He walked past me and flashed me a quick smile. For a moment, I didnt react. I merely stood in admiration at him. He was at least 6''2, even without his skates on. He looked back over his broad shoulders and winked at me with his big brown eyes. His eyelashes were long and matched his soft brown hair, that was currently dripping with sweat as he removed his helmet. He dissapeared down the changing room corridoor and I stood by the rink side, staring in the direction he had gone.

'That was Liam, Liam Evans. He's 21, totally cute and totally available!' Elsa babbled into my ear. I turned and gave her a small smile of embarrasment, she must have seen me staring at him.

'I'm so not into dating after last time' I said miserable, thinking of all the painful memories of my ex.

'That'll be £12 per week, no charge for skate hire as you have your own, and your first lesson will be today at 3.30 pm, and then every monday and thursday at 12.30pm. Thankyou, goodbye!'

'EEEKK' Elsa squeeled, grabbing my hands and jumping with excitement. 'Are you excited Caitlyn!?'

'YES!' I replied. I was finally about to start figure skating lessons. I had wanted to do figure skating since I was 6 but my mother always complained about the expenses. Now that I was 16, I had my own job and my Own money, I could finally begin my dream.

I laced up my left skate, pulling the laces as tight as i could before tying them in a bow and tucking them into my lilac leg warmers. I stood up and adjusted my leotard. It had been £64.99 but it was worth it. The black and lilac skin tight leotard clung to my curves and the diamante crystals twisted around my sides. The coach crossed the rink and came over to the bench to where I was stood.

'Hello, you're Caitlyn right?' She asked, reaching out her hand to greet me. I nodded and shook her hand.

'Hi, Im the head coach for the girls under 21's figure skating lessons, Amy Boothe. As its your first lesson, don't worry about getting all the moves perfectly, we'll run through the routine with you and then you can join the other girls for their weekly training, is that alright?' I nodded. Everything sounded perfect and I couldnt wait to get started.

I twirled across the ice, the cold air rushing past my cheeks as I picked up speed. I came to a steady stop at the right of the rink and turned back for feedback.

'Well done Caitlyn, that was excellent! We'll have you completing in the national championships in no time!' Amy called across the ice, giving me a quick thumbs up for a confidence boost.

I turned to face the glass and Liam Evans was stood on the other side with a few other members of the Nottingham Knights team. He gave me a small nod of approval and his lips curved into a small smile. I spun around and glided across the ice, smiling to myself. Elsa was right, he was kinda cute.

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