Chapter 5 - Arriving In Belfast

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It was a long two weeks, balancing school work with my part time job and the training for my routine. I was at school every Monday - Friday, training after school on Mondays, Thursday, Fridays, training in the morning on Saturday and Sunday and working shifts whenever I could. I was beginning to feel exhausted and I knew I needed a break, though I didn't want to stop training.

'Caitlyn , are you coming in fancy dress for that charity event that the head teachers have arranged for Friday?' Peyton asked. I looked up from my maths book. I didn't know that the head teachers had arranged for a sponsored fancy dress day in Friday. It didn't bother me though, I wouldn't be in school on Friday.

'I'm not going to be in school, remember?' I said putting down my pencil and turning to face her.

'Oh really?' She asked, confused. 'Where are you going?'

'I'll be in Manchester airport when you guys are all still sleeping!' I said. 'Me and my mum are traveling out to Belfast for the Nottingham Panthers games!'

'Really? That's cool but kinda sad!' Peyton laughed.

'I know but I'm so excited! You've never been to an ice hockey match?' I asked.

'No!' She said, shaking her head.

' Peyton it's amazing! You have to go one day!' I laughed, pushing her gently. It was the last lesson on Thursday afternoon and I couldn't wait for the day to finish so I could rush home and finish packing ready for tomorrow. I had been waiting for this day for what seemed like forever.

'Caitlyn? Have you wrapped up the toothpaste and hair products? They have to go in plastic bags in case they leak!' My mum said, zipping up her suitcase. We were only going to be sleeping in Belfast for two days, so we chose to take only small suitcases as hand luggage. 'Yes Mum, you've asked me that three times already!' I laughed, holding up the bag of toiletries for her to see.

'Oh yes!' She laughed. Anthony walked into the kitchen, carrying a bottle of shower gel that my Mum had sent him upstairs for. Anthony was my Mum's ex-partner and although they had separated, they were still close friends and he visited us regularly. We saw Anthony as our father, as he had raised us since we were young.

'Liam's going too isn't he?' Anthony asked. Anthony knew Liam through ice hockey, and it seemed like everyone in my family knew him, except for me. I had seen him in person a couple of times, and I had heard so much about him, but had never met him or spoke to him properly.

'Yeah,' My mum answered him. 'Sarah told me to text her when we arrived in Belfast and that we should go and meet them and spend some time with them during the daytime!' I was unbelievably excited. I didn't like flying but I would rather fly out on a plane than travel for hours on a ferry. We were just making our final preparations for the trip. I reached up and unhooked my jersey from the hanger that was hung on my bedroom wall. This jersey was maroon and it hung down all the way to my knees. Its was a game worn jersey, worn by my favourite player, Tom Norton. He was a lot taller than me so it was massive and he wore through the 2013-14 season. We had bid for it at one of the players jersey auctions, and won it for £210. It was an early birthday present, along with my trip to Belfast.

'Caitlyn! Sit still!' My sister moaned, pulling my hand back into position. She was putting on my Acrylic nails ready for tomorrow. She painted them yellow with the black numbers, representing players from the team.

'Its time to go to bed after your nails are done,' My mum said, zipping up her case. 'We have to be up at 5am in the morning!' I nodded. We had a two hour car journey to Manchester first. My Uncles boyfriend, Karl was driving us. Our flight left from Manchester to Belfast at 7.30am. It was going to be a long day.

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