Chapter 2 - Face to face

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I picked up my skate bag and pulled on my jersey. It had been a great training session and now it was time to go watch The nottingham professional ice hockey team, The Nottingham panthers.

'Mum!' I shouted, dashing across the foyer to where my mum was stood with my younger sister. She was talking to another woman, a panthers fan.

'Yeah you're sat on the row behind us!' she said to my mum, showing her tickets. 'I Just need to find my son, he was downstairs fetching his Jersey from the changing rooms but he was gone for ages!'

As she finished her sentence, a tall dark haired boy walked up behind her and put his arm round her shoulder.

'Well You took your time!' she said. My mum laughed.

'Sorry, I got a little distracted watching the figure skaters train,' He smiled. I turned to the left slightly so he wouldn't notice me. It was Liam! My mum was friends with Liam Evans mum. I blushed and looked down towards my aching feet.

So maybe I had told a little white lie to Elsa. Maybe I was interested in Liam Evans a little. But it didn't matter, I knew I had no chances. I had never even spoke to him, though I had heard much about him. He was a 20 year old hockey player, with big, Brown, beautiful eyes and a crop of soft Brown hair. I was just a plain and ordinary 16 year old girl, mouse-Brown hair and dull green eyes. Liam nodded and turned away as my mum and his mum had said goodbye.

'Come on Caitlyn! The games about to begin!' My mum said, pulling out our tickets. We went and sat down for the start of the game. I really loved ice hockey! From the high speeds of the players, to the awesome stick handling skills, there was no better game than ice hockey. The atmosphere in an ice arena for a hockey game was unbelievable. Hockey fans were the most dedicated and loyal fans, and the players put all of their efforts into the game.

'So, you know Liam Evans?' My mum asked. I knew what she was going to do. She was going to ask her usual questions. My mum has a bad habit of interfering with my life and asking thousands of questions if I even mention a boys name.

'I don't really know him mum, I saw him training earlier and he saw my training. That's all,' I laughed nervously. I still knew that I'd have no chance with a hockey player like Liam.

'Oh okay, he seems nice. Do you like him?' She asked, completely ignoring the fact that I had just said I didn't really know him.

'Mum! No!' I assured her, following the puck with my eyes as it was shot down the ice. 'Ve never even spoke to him!'

'Okay, well me and Sarah, Liam's Mum, have just booked our flights to the double-header weekend in Belfast in March!' She said, a cheesy grin spreading across her face.

'NO WAY!' I gasped, turning my attention away from the game. 'Really mum?! Thanks!'

So the Panthers won! I had taken part in my first ever figure skating lessons. And, on top of this, mum had booked our flights to Belfast. It had been such an amazing day! The Belfast trip was still 2 months and 3 days away, but I knew that I was in for a busy two weeks, trying to balance my school work with my figure skating lessons.

Falling For a Hockey PlayerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora