Chapter 18 ~ Lost

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Chapter 18: Lost

My entire being was thrumming in anticipation as the city lights came into view. Atanas sat in the back, leaning forward so he could see too. My fangs had been pressing against my bottom lip since we got in the car, the hunger raging through me, burning my throat. I did my best to stay in control, I had no intention of killing any unsuspecting human, no matter what instincts told me to do.

"Keep breathing, Libertas Mea, we're almost there," Atanas soothed, amusement in his tone.

Anna wasn't as relaxed, her eyes darted to me every couple of minutes and I could see the worry in their depths. I wasn't sure if it was concern for how hungry I was, wariness that I'd suddenly attack her, or fear that being so far from the house wasn't safe. Her agitation was only sparking my hunting instincts. Atanas' hand squeezed my shoulder and I looked back to send him a tight smile.

I knew he was less than happy about the danger we were possibly putting ourselves in, but he knew I needed this. As Anna pulled into the still heaving city centre, she became even more restless. She parked on a busy street and sighed, her fingers drumming the steering wheel.

"We'll be quick Anna, and we'll come straight back here," I promised.

She nodded, chewing her bottom lip, "Don't stray from the centre, and I know it might be impossible, but do your best to stay away from any dark alleys as well. The scents of all the humans here should stop any vampire finding your scent too easily."

"We know what we're doing, relax. Don't worry about us." Atanas said, giving her a smile before stepping out onto the street.

Anna's worry still filled the air but she let me go and watched through the window as I took everything in.

Inhaling deeply, too many smells mingled in the air. Alcohol was prominent, alongside many different foods and strong floral perfumes from women in short dresses and high heels heading towards the clubs. Atanas' looked as overwhelmed as I felt. The air was loud with the beat of music, laughter from pubs and the chatter of many humans.

Both Atanas and I were making sure there was nothing near to be worried about before we started moving.

"Ready?" He asked me, his eyes scanning the streets again, this time in search of ideal prey.

I gave him a nod, practically bouncing on the balls of my feet. When he grinned, his fangs glinted under the lights. We weren't hiding who we were anymore, we were giving in. I'd never hunted with anyone else before and the thought of hunting with Atanas sent a thrill through me. We walked through the streets together, slipping through the crowd like silent ghosts until we found what we sought.

I did my best to curb my jealousy when Atanas got lingering stares from young women who were all far more beautiful than me, focussing instead on where I was walking. Drunk humans were easier to compel and the headache they got from us feeding was easily passed off as a hangover the next day, especially as they lost time while we took what we wanted. On the other hand, blood not diluted by alcohol was always better, but we were short of time and needed an easy meal.

Two drunken girls staggered and giggled down into a side alley, the blonde so unsteady on her feet that she had to have her hand against the wall. Atanas' ocean blue eyes met mine and he smirked as he followed them around the corner with me close behind him. We didn't let them get too far, keeping to Anna's wishes of not straying from the centre, even if we couldn't avoid the need to find a little privacy from the busy streets.

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